What mutation-testing frameworks exist? [closed] - unit-testing

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In another question I asked if mutation-testing is useful in practice. As I didn't get any answers that satisfy me, I want to check the current tools myself. So I need an overview about current existing mutation-test-frameworks. Which of them are most usable and why?
I program in Java, so I would prefer Java-tools, but I would risk a look at interesting frameworks for different languages.
I want to integrate in an automatic build-process, so I would prefer tools that can be executed through command-line.

There is also PIT which can be hooked into your build via a maven plugin or command line interface.
It provides much nicer reports than the other available tools with combined mutation and line coverage. It also runs considerably faster than the source based tools for Java such as Jester, and about twice as fast as Jumble.
Unlike the Jumble and Javalanche it also works with all the major mocking frameworks (Mockito, JMock, EasyMock, PowerMock and JMockit).
(disclosure I'm the author).

I know it's an old thread, but it's still an answer to the question. I'm working with some friends on an open source .NET mutation testing framework called NinjaTurtles, which you can find on CodePlex and on Nuget. The main project website is here.

I only know of two frameworks, but they're both for Java :)
I haven't used either of them, I'm afraid.

CREAM is a tool for C#/.Net

For Ruby there is Heckle, and a newcomer called Boo_hiss.

For the .Net community, there is NesTer, but it has some serious limitations. E.g. only supports C# and NUnit.
Does not appear to be actively maintained either, but it might be a starting point.

I took a look at Jester (the actual source code) and it seems to me that it does not support too many mutations. There is a file in there where these mutations are specified. I might be wrong about the above but what I definitely did not like was the mix between launching the tool from command line and the little GUI feedback interface. Why not give feedback in the command line like JUnit does when run outside an IDE?
Jumble is another thing :). It has a simple command line interface and comes with an Eclipse plugin too. The feedback is all text in the console. I am happy with this tool and I plan to write some ANT target to add it in my project continuous integration.
I am also looking at Javalanche but did not try it yet.
I'll have news in a few weeks.

Might be of some interest. Microsoft Research's: https://pex4fun.com/

You can try µJava. I haven't used it, but it looks like mutation testing might be an interesting way to evaluate test suites.

MμClipse only supports JUnit 3 and is no longer maintained.
Jester as for it, is laborious and requires a complicated configuration; plus is not maintained anymore.
The best tool I could find is Javalanche
I had wrote a entire article about this !

Jester does provide a file for the mutations and they are limited. To some degree, you can add your own mutations to the file.
I've experimented with Jumble and Jester and I found that Jumble provides more mutations and better documentation. Additionally, I've had quick responses from the project owners when I've emailed them. One drawback to Jumble is that it operates on the bytecode using BCEL. That presents something of a learning curve for many developers.
My company, State Farm, wrote an Ant task that we may contribute back to the Jumble project. Based on what I've read in their mailing lists, others are working on an Ant task for Jumble too.
I'm looking at Javalanche as well. I’ll be glad to share what I know when I’m done.


Automated tests in RPA [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm not very familiar with a concept of testing in programming languages although I know the basic idea and some of the principles to test your code like unit tests and stuff. I haven't written any tests myself yet but the general idea is more or less clear. But when it comes to Robotic Process Automation I get stuck with how I should properly test my workflows.
If I have modules which don't interact with any interface then I can clearly create a test environment, that is a function and this function will pass some arguments and get the result which will be compared to the expected one.
But what are best practices to test the parts of a workflow which interact with interface and contain clicks, type into and all those things?
If anyone has any experience of creating automated tests in RPA, for instance, in UiPath, I would be grateful to see it explained. Any ideas, irrespectively to the proper experience lack or presence, would be highly appreciated anyway.
By the way if anyone worked in UiPath he could notice that they developed the so called ReFramework which follows best practices in RPA deployment according to their words. In this Framework they got a test folder and some test modules but I don't get how they work and how I should adjust them in order to match a program developed by myself.
Thanks for the question.
I am a RPA developer, and also tested the workflows but don't as a "Tester" perspective.
If you look there are many things to test.
As you said you are dealing with web portal, you might use click activity. There is one property called selector which is auto generated. Selector identify the UI element. There are many attribute in selector that may be static.This is wrong practice
lets take example
in this idx and uipath_custom_id attribute are a static, this might change accordingly but the name Submit and class never change, So as a tester you can find this type of mistakes by the Developer...
Keep in mind that never give static values or numbers to any attribute in the selectors...Instead of that use
(* and ?)
It also happen that there are two buttons in web page having same name, same class so the selector which is generated is also some what same except ID so you need to take care of this also as considering ID always changes.
Always keep your workflow small, use proper activity and keep business logic in separate sequence activity Such things you can test. Also you can test the Optimization of the flow.
If you are dealing with other application like Excel or SAP check that you can close it after your work done.
Such things you can test
It will be better if you tell the scenario so that community can help you tell about the test cases...:)

Using Google Chromium's Views Project as an Application Framework in C++ [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have had contact with Google Chromium Code and that’s terrific for building applications with. The problem now lies that no-one has tried to use it outside Google Chromium Project. What I have in mind is to develop an open source project which may be used for this purpose. The fundamental goals would be:
Guarantee Linux-Windows support for the same code.
Take advantage of all resources available like thread control, stats, unit test…
Make it clearer how to use Skia for graphic effects and customizations.
Present a useful application doing the most of this.
Integrate C++ and JavaScript code using V8
Use Webkit for rendering html content
There’s a chance of it get off the paper. What do YOU think?
Claudio M. Souza Junior
see https://github.com/lianliuwei/chromium_base
I create it for the same reason like you.
chromium is great project. It's code could be useful to using in other project. but It need time to extract it. I see one project to extract the ui part, but it change too many for noreason for example it change the .cc to .cpp. my project extract the base, ui, view part for the origin project, rm the ICU (it's so big) and gurl(you can add it quick) keep the gyp, gclient, grit-i18n, gtest, gmock... change the code little. and keep the extract history. I add a new type of messageloop for using it in the MFC(for company project :( ) now it can only work on Windows but it's no so hard to make it work on linux.(google do it all)
for use the browser in you project you can see the http://code.google.com/p/chromium/ for help.
It's great this project help you a litte. I at first think it's a no one care project.
I'm assuming you have looked at the extensively documented and developed QtWebkit and know why you don't want to use that?
I'm sure it will be easier to use V8 in a QtWebkit application than to somehow tear out Chromium's "View project".
Qt has the bonus that as long as you operate within the framework, everything will work on a lot of different platforms (more than Chomium now supports I think).

What is the quickest way to a very simple blog? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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I am about to start a new project and would like to document its development in a very simple blog.
My requirements are:
self-hosted on my Gentoo-based LAMP stack (that seems to rule out blogger)
Integration in a django based website (as in www.myproject.com/about, www.myproject.com/blog etc rather than www.myproject.com and a totally different site at blog.myproject.com)
very little or no learning curve that's specific to the blog engine (don't want to learn an API just to blog, but having to get deeper into Django to be able to roll my own would be OK) According to the answers so far, there is a chance that this excludes Wordpress
Should I
a) install blog engine X (please specify X)
b) use django to hand-roll a way to post new entries and a page on my website to display the posts in descending chronological order
Install Wordpress. It is the most common engine for a reason. It's PHP but will play just fine in your environment.
If you're the perfectionist kind, roll your own.
It isn't that hard
You learn something useful
You'll get exactly what you want and need
Be warned that you may run into a quagmire fighting comment spam, fixing security holes, etc. But it'll probably be a fun project.
If you are the practical type and ready to face some integration pain, use an existing engine like WadcomBlog (Python) or PyBlosxom, or something completely different like MovableType or WordPress.
Here's a simple Django blog example to get you started.
Some pros and cons of rolling your blog engine this article by Phil Haack.
Jeff Croft apparently rolled his own as well.
I've tried WordPress recently and am very disappointed. As long as you don't want to customize anything, all is well. But imagine you want to install a plugin to handle Markdown editing. There the trouble begins. The plugin architecture of WordPress is seriously screwd up. In the case of Markdown, this means that no good solution exists. The existing plugin is a series of (quite well-documented) hacks that fall apart at a hard stare.
I never intended to write the least bit of code for WordPress but the last few days, I've been knee-deep in PHP the whole time, hacking plugins as well as the WordPress core in order to make it work for my special scenario (which really isn't all that special, I'm just a perfectionist). Which is a pity, because the documentation of WordPress is more than just patchy. I don't use it anymore, I grep for functions and read the source. All in all, one of the less enjoyable OpenSource projects.
You can spend hours if not days customizing Wordpress with plugins, themes, etc...
I would go with a 0 installation solution, such as blogger (https://www.blogger.com/start)
You can even use our own domain name with it if you need do.
EDIT: Plus, if you ever get slashdotted, digged or redditted, google can handle the traffic, your server probably can't.
For me, Wordpress is still the quickest & simplest to setup and get going. It can be extended to do pretty much anything or you can keep it real simple. Runs on PHP, but unless you want to write plugins for it, you never need to write code
Have a look at Blosxom. It's file-based, so no crufty database. The basic idea has been ported to different languages, pyblosxom is in Python.
I use PyBlosxom for my personal blog, and I think it is pretty useful if you need something minimalistic. The deployment is simple, as you need only the python runtime and cgi. You might want to have some basic knowledge of python at least if you are going to use it, though.
Have a look at Blosxom. It's file-based, so no crufty database. The basic idea has been ported to different languages, pyblosxom is in Python.
I wrote the engine for my personal blog in maybe 6 hours during one weekend, with comments, labels, simplified markup, sitemap, feeds and so on. It was great fun and I learned a lot of Django.
If you decide to go this way, look at generic views, this Django feature will save you much of work (and learn few useful tricks).
I Haven't tried it myself yet (other than the demo), but I've bookmarked Chyrp so that if I ever need to set up a quick & simple blog (kind of like you're describing) I could try this. So check it out, might be a good option for you.

Is soapUI the best web services testing tool/client/framework? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been working on a web services related project for about the last year. Our team found soapUI near the start of our project and we have been mostly(*) satisfied with it (the free version, that is).
My question is: are there other tools/clients/frameworks that you have used/currently use for web services testing and would recommend?
(*) There are some weird GUI glitches that appear once in a while. As is mentioned by some of the answers, we attributed this to a memory leak.
I use soapUI, and it's generally pretty good. Be aware that it seems to leak memory, and eventually it will no longer save your project, so save regularly!
This is about the only hassle I have with it (other than the general ugliness that almost every Java application has!), and I can't live without it.
There's an eclipse plugin that allows you to do web service discovery, testing, etc - see Eclipse Web Services Tools.
I think it's much better than SoapUI, at least on Mac OS X.
Call it laziness but I kind of gave up looking a while after I found SoapUI - its not perfect (what is) but it does its job very well (especially given the price).
More importantly given that there is scripting to allow you to set up automated tests we're heading towards an investment in the product.
Might be nice if it was better on Windows (we do .NET development, mostly ASP.NET) but for the price... (-:
I've released an open source project for generating web service requests and making calls.
Whether something is the best is pretty subjective but give the program a try and compare it for yourself
Download it at http://drexyia.github.io/WsdlUI/
We've been using SoapUI since 1.x (will soon be adopting 3.0 from 2.5.1) and are all happy.
It's much more stable when running with native LnF (File - Preferences - UI Settings - Native LF).
I know it's available as an Eclipse plugin as well, but last I tried I failed to find how to add JAR-files to it (i.e. bin/ext in the stand-alone variant).

C/C++ source code visualization? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Basically I want tools which generate source code visualization like:
function call graph
dependency graph
Doxygen is really excellent for this, although you will need to install GraphViz to get the the graphs to draw.
Once you've got everything installed, it's really rather simple to draw the graphs. Make sure you set EXTRACT_ALL and CALL_GRAPH to true and you should be good to go.
The full documentation on this function for doxygen is here.
I strongly recommend BOUML. It's a free UML modelling application, which:
is extremely fast (fastest UML tool ever created, check out benchmarks),
has rock solid C++ import support,
has great SVG export support, which is important, because viewing large graphs in vector format, which scales fast in e.g. Firefox, is very convenient (you can quickly switch between "birds eye" view and class detail view),
is full featured, impressively intensively developed (look at development history, it's hard to believe that so fast progress is possible).
So: import your code into BOUML and view it there, or export to SVG and view it in Firefox.
For the free version:
source is on Github as DoUML
Installers can be downloaded from http://www.bouml.fr/download.html
You can look at different tools for software design and modelling (Rational Rose, Sparx Enterprise Architect, Umbrello, etc). Majority of them have some functionality to reverse modeling by source code, and getting UML class diagrams, and sometimes even sequence diagrams (and this is very close to functions call graph).
But after you get some pictures on really big project code base you could realise that such graphs are rather hard to read and understand. Unfortunally visualization capabilities of complexity are very limited.
As for me, using a "divide and rule" idiom is more convinient approach. You can extract different functionality blocks or layers from your some code base (just sorting cpp-files by different folders sometimes enough). Another way is to use some scripts (bash, python) to create simple csv tables with interested parameters of files, classes or functions like "number of dependencies" etc).
If you use Visual Studio, the 2010 Ultimate release lets you generate sequence diagrams and dependency graphs. However, the release currently supports only .NET application projects.
The team has gotten lots of interest in supporting C++ in a future release, so you might want stay tuned. In the meantime, you can post in the VS 2010 Architectural Discovery & Modeling Tools forum at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vsarch/threads to request an update. I know the product team loves hearing customer feedback about the tools.
In the meantime, you can learn more about creating sequence diagrams and dependency diagrams from .NET code in the following topics:
How to: Find Code Using Architecture Explorer: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd409431%28VS.100%29.aspx
How to: Generate Graph Documents from Code: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd409453%28VS.100%29.aspx#SeeSpecificSource
How to: Explore Code with Sequence Diagrams: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee317485%28VS.100%29.aspx
To try the RC release and provide feedback, download it at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=457bab91-5eb2-4b36-b0f4-d6f34683c62a
Try doxygen
Example output from Xerces
In addition to written tools above, you may try understand. But, it is not free.
Might be a duplication, but check out ollydbg, IDA Pro and this website has a whole bunch of resources with some very sexy images.