Grails testing a failing domain save in service - unit-testing

I've a Grails (3+) service where a domain object is retrieved from the DB, modified , and then updated in the DB.
class MyService {
def modifyObject(String uuid) {
def md = MyDomain.findByUuid(uuid)
md.someField = true
if (!{
throw new MyException()
Now I need to test this service method with a negative test, to be sure that the exception is thrown. But I can't figure out how to force a failing save in the service method.
class MyServiceSpec extends Specification {
void "test An exceptionl situation was found"() {
given: "An uuid"
def md = new MyDomain(uuid: "123") true)
when: "service is called"
then: "An exception is thrown"
thrown MyException
Obviously, re-defining the service method in a more functional way (the object is passed directly to the method, modified and returned without save .e.g MyDomain modifyObject(MyDomain md)) will be a good solution since I could create an invalid ad hoc object outside or even invalidate it after the method execution.
But the question is: "is there a way to test the service code as is?"

Assuming that you really do want to throw an exception and not just handle validation errors, then sure. You'll want to utilize Spock's support for interaction based testing and leverage static method stubs. See similar question, Unit test grails with domain objects using GORM functions.
You need some way to isolate the service method and stub out the GORM functionality. This can be tricky with static methods, but can be accomplished with a global GroovyMock or GroovySpy. In essence, you're replacing all instances/references to MyDomain for the duration of the method (though the GroovySpy will fall back on the actual domain class unless an interaction matches).
With the Mock/Spy in place, you can specify the interactions you expect to occur and specify what those interactions should return. In this case, we expect the findByUuid to be invoked with an argument of "123" once, and we return a mock MyDomain object. That mock object then has it's save() method invoked once where we return null, i.e. the save failed.
void "test An exceptional situation was found"() {
GroovySpy(MyDomain, global: true)
def mockDomain = Mock(MyDomain)
when: "service is called"
then: "An exception is thrown"
1 * MyDomain.findByUuid("123") >> mockDomain
1 * >> null
thrown Exception

If you violate a constraint on MyDomain and the save should fail, no?
If the modifyObject is really that simple, and you can't pass in a bogus value to force a constraint violation, maybe you need to metaClass the and force a failure there.


Grails Unit Testing Issues

I am having issues while testing my grails controllers, as it depends on one service which seems not to be injected. I tried several ways (for ex. Extending classess like grailsunitestcase, specification) but I keep getting errors. The thing is that that service variable is null and I cant test my controller index method (which calls a render view) due to the exception...
I really need to know how to do this but I don't have a clue where to start...
Unit tests are just that. There is no grails 'environment' surrounding your controller. If the controller makes use of a service which is normally injected, you have to mock that service yourself.
class SomeControllerSpec extends Specification
def "test some method"() {
def mockService = mockFor(SomeService)
mockService.demand.someServiceMethod() { ->
return something
controller.someService = mockService.createMock()
// whatever checks are appropriate

Service #Transactional exception translation

I have a web service with an operation that looks like
public Result checkout(String id) throws LockException;
implemented as:
public Result checkout(String id) throws LockException {
someDao.acquireLock(id); // ConstraintViolationException might be thrown on commit
Data data = otherDao.find(id);
return convert(data);
My problem is that locking can only fail on transaction commit which occurs outside of my service method so I have no opportunity to translate the ConstraintViolationException to my custom LockException.
Option 1
One option that's been suggested is to make the service delegate to another method that's #Transactional. E.g.
public Result checkout(String id) throws LockException {
try {
return someInternalService.checkout(id);
catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) {
throw new LockException();
public class SomeInternalService {
public Result checkout(String id) {
Data data = otherDao.find(id);
return convert(data);
My issues with this are:
There is no reasonable name for the internal service that isn't already in use by the external service since they are essentially doing the same thing. This seems like an indicator of bad design.
If I want to reuse someInternalService.checkout in another place, the contract for that is wrong because whatever uses it can get a ConstraintViolationException.
Option 2
I thought of maybe using AOP to put advice around the service that translates the exception. This seems wrong to me though because checkout needs to declare that it throws LockException for clients to use it, but the actual service will never throw this and it will instead be thrown by the advice. There's nothing to prevent someone in the future from removing throws LockException from the interface because it appear to be incorrect.
Also, this way is harder to test. I can't write a JUnit test that verifies an exception is thrown without creating a spring context and using AOP during the tests.
Option 3
Use manual transaction management in checkout? I don't really like this because everything else in the application is using the declarative style.
Does anyone know the correct way to handle this situation?
There's no one correct way.
A couple more options for you:
Make the DAO transactional - that's not great, but can work
Create a wrapping service - called Facade - whose job it is to do exception handling/wrapping around the transactional services you've mentioned - this is a clear separation of concerns and can share method names with the real lower-level service

Does "unit test only one thing" means one feature or one whole scenario of a unit?

When people say "test only one thing". Does that mean that test one feature at a time or one scenario at a time?
method() {
//setup data
def data = new Data()
//send external webservice call
def success = service.webserviceCall(data)
if (success) {
Based on the example, do we test by feature of the method:
testA() //test if service.webserviceCall is called properly, so assert if called once with the right parameter
testB() //test if service.webserviceCall succeeds, assert that it should save the data
testC() //test if service.webserviceCall fails, assert that it should not save the data
By scenario:
testA() //test if service.webserviceCall succeeds, so assert if service is called once with the right parameter, and assert that the data should be saved
testB() //test if service.webserviceCall fails, so again assert if service is called once with the right parameter, then assert that it should not save the data
I'm not sure if this is a subjective topic, but I'm trying to do the by feature approach. I got the idea from Roy Osherove's blogs, but I'm not sure if I understood it correct.
It was mentioned there that it would be easier to isolate the errors, but I'm not sure if its overkill. Complex methods will tend to have lots of tests.
(Please excuse my wording on the by feature/scenario, I'm not sure how to word them)
You are right in that this is a subjective topic.
Think about how you want this method to behave, not just on how it's currently implemented. Otherwise your tests will just mirror the production code and will break everytime the implementation changes.
Based on the limited context provided, I'd write the following (separate) tests:
Is the webservice command called with the expected data?
If the command returns successfully, is the data saved? Don't overspecify the arguments provided to your webservice call here, as the previous test covers this.
If it's important that the data is not saved when the command returns a failure, I'd write a third test for this. If it's not important, I wouldn't even bother.
You might have heard the adage "one assert per test". This is good advice in general because a test stops executing as soon as a single assert fails. All asserts further down are not executed. By splitting up the asserts in multiple tests you will receive more feedback when something goes wrong. When tests go red, you know exactly all the asserts that fail and don't have to run through the -fix assertion failure, run tests, fix next assertion failure, repeat- cycle.
So in the terminology you propose, my approach would also be to write a test per feature of the method.
Sidenote: you construct your data object in the method itself and call the save method of that object. How do you sense that the data is saved in your tests?
I understand it like this:
"unit test one thing" == "unit test one behavior"
(After all, it is the behavior that the client wants!)
I would suggest that you approach your testing "one feature at a time". I agree with you where you quoted that with this approach it is "easier to isolate the errors". Roy Osherove really does know what he is talking about especially when it comes to TDD.
In my experience I like to focus on the behaviors that I am trying to test (and I am not particularly referring to BDD here). Essentially I would test each behavior that I am expecting from this code. You said that you are mocking out the dependencies (webservice, and data storage) so I would still class this as a unit test with the following expected behaviors:
a call to this method will result in a particular call to a web service
a successful web service call will result in the data being saved
an unsuccessful web service call will result in the data not being saved
Having tests for these three behaviors will help you isolate any issues with the code immediately.
Your tests should also have no dependency on the actual code written to achieve the behavior. For example, if my implementation called some decorator internal to my class which in turn called the webservice correctly then that should be no concern of my test. My test should only be concerned with the external dependencies and public interface of the class itself.
If I exposed internal methods of my class (or implementation details, such as the decorator mentioned above) for the purposes of testing its particular implementation then I have created brittle tests that will fail when the implementation changes.
In summary, I would recommend that your tests should lock down the behavior of a class and isolate failures to identify the 'unit of behavior' that is failing.
A unit test in general is a test that is done without a call to database or file system or even to that effect doesnot call a webservice either. The idea of a unit test is that if you did not have any internet connection you should be able to unit test. So having said that , if a method calls a webservice or calls a database, then you basically are expected to mock the responses from an external system. You should be testing that unit of work only. As mentioned above by prgmtc on how you should be asserting one assert per method is the way to go.
Second, if you are calling a real webservice or database etc, then consider calling those test as integrated or integration test depending upon what you are trying to test.
In my opinion to get the most out of TDD you want to be doing test first development. Have a look at uncle Bobs 3 Rules of TDD.
If you follow these rules strictly, you end up writing tests that generally only have a single assert statements. In reality you will often find you end up with a number of assert statements that act as a single logical assert as it often helps with the understanding of the unit test itself.
Here is an example
public void ValidateBankAccount_GivenInvalidAccountType_ShouldReturnValidationFailure()
//---------------Set up test pack-------------------
const string validBankAccount = "99999999999";
const string validBranchCode = "222222";
const string invalidAccountType = "99";
const string invalidAccoutTypeResult = "3";
var bankAccountValidation = Substitute.For<IBankAccountValidation>();
bankAccountValidation.ValidateBankAccount(validBankAccount, validBranchCode, invalidAccountType)
var service = new BankAccountCheckingService(bankAccountValidation);
//---------------Assert Precondition----------------
//---------------Execute Test ----------------------
var result = service.ValidateBankAccount(validBankAccount, validBranchCode, invalidAccountType);
//---------------Test Result -----------------------
Assert.AreEqual("Invalid account type", result.Message);
And the ValidationResult class that is returned from the service
public interface IValidationResult
bool IsValid { get; }
string Message { get; }
public class ValidationResult : IValidationResult
public static IValidationResult Success()
return new ValidationResult(true,"");
public static IValidationResult Failure(string message)
return new ValidationResult(false, message);
public ValidationResult(bool isValid, string message)
Message = message;
IsValid = isValid;
public bool IsValid { get; private set; }
public string Message { get; private set; }
Note I would have unit tests the ValidationResult class itself, but in the test above I feel it gives more clarity to include both Asserts.

Moving transactional operations away from the controller

def cancel
to_bank = #transfer.main_to_bank
to_bank.with_lock do
to_bank.locked_balance -= #transfer.amount
to_bank.available_balance += #transfer.amount!
rescue ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError => e
redirect_to admin_transfer_url(#transfer), alert: "Error while cancelling."
redirect_to admin_transfer_url(#transfer), notice: 'Transfer was successfully cancelled.'
I would want to refactor the above code to the Transfer model or some other place, because this same code is used elsewhere. However, ActiveRecord does some transaction magic within the model, so I'm worried I might introduce some unexpected side effects by simply moving the code under the model.
Are my worries unfounded and how would the above code typically be refactored to be outside of the controller for reusability?
Update: This seems like the perfect spot for a service object, as described here
1) As you mention in your update, this is a perfect fit for service objects. Put them in a directory like app/services since anything in /app is autoloaded. There are two popular ways of implementing them:
As a static class:
AccountService.transfer(from_account, to_account, amount)
As an object:
service =, to_account)
I prefer option one coming from a Java enterprise development background where you would use Java beans similarly.
I would also recommend returning result objects from all services as a rule. This means you create a small class called "ServiceResult" which contains a boolean flag of whether or not the call was successful, a user friendly message and optionally a result object (which is the method return value if you didn't have service result objects). In other words checking the result from the controller or any other place would be:
response = AccountService.transfer(from, to, amount)
if response.success?
flash[:notice] = response.message
flash[:alert] = response.message
You can always refactor this into a method:
flash_service_result response
After adding some helper methods to your services, a service method could look like this:
def self.transfer(from_account, to_account, amount)
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do stuff..!!
service_success("Transfer succesfull...")
rescue SomeException => error
service_error("Failed to transfer...")
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid_record_error
When using result objects, never raise an exception from the service that you expect to be handled (checked exceptions in other languages).
2) Using the active record transactional methods will behave the same regardless of where it's called from. It will not add any side effects. So yes you can call it from a controller or service.

mspec & rhino mocks expected exception testing

I'm fairly new to unit testing and can't get around how to test (or if I even should) this case properly.
I have a controller method (pseudo code):
public ActionResult Register(formModel model)
if (ModelState.isValid) {
try {
_userService.CreateUser(a bunch of parameters here);
return RedirectToAction(some other action);
catch (Exception e)
return View();
I have a bunch of separate tests against "_userService". The "CreateUser" method just creates a new user and returns nothing OR throws an exception if there was an error (ex. the user exists) that I bubble up to the controller surround in a try catch and add the exception to the ModelState.
From what I understand I should mock the service and assert that it was called correctly (i use the assertwascalled syntax) since it returns nothing and I just want to know that my controller calls it.
What I'm not sure is how to test that when the userservice throws an error it should not redirect and should add that exception to the modelstate. With rhino mocks you can stub a mock but the book art of unit testing advises against that.
Right now in my test I manually add a model error (not caring if it's from user service) and test that the controller returns the same view if there are errors. Is this the correct way of going about this? Or should I maybe create a separate test where I stub the _userService to throw an error and check it gets added to modelstate? Or should I not even test that case? I feel like I may be just over analyzing the whole thing and testing using the modelstate would be enough to satisfy this...
Your mock represents a collaborating class. I wouldn't get too hung up on the difference between mocks and stubs; it's still a collaborating class.
You can think of your unit tests as describing how to use your class, and how the class then interacts with its collaborators. You have two examples:
Given a controller
When I register the model
Then the class should ask the user service to create a user.
Given a controller
Given the user service is broken
When I register the model
Then the class should attach the error to the model state.
It's that second Given that tells you you're stubbing rather than mocking. You're setting the user service up as though it's broken. The context in which the class acts is different, so you need to stub, and you should indeed throw an exception.
If you put these lines as comments inside your test, it'll make sense. If it makes sense, ignore the book.
BTW, this is unit-level BDD. You can use "Given, When, Then" at a unit level just as at a scenario level, and it might help you think about the logic of your tests. Just don't use BDD scenario tools for this.