ubuntu20 gdb cannot attach to process.your uid of target process - gdb

I use ubuntu20,when i use gdb.attach(),it is error.But i use ubuntu18 is perfectly.I want to ask for your help.thank you.
here is error message
I tried edit /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope and /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf.But aren't useful.It has same error.
I want to ask for your help.thank you.


Chronic ripgrep / vim Plugin Error on Load: "-complete Used Without -nargs"?

I recently added ripgrep to my list of vim plugins and, immediately after installation, I began receiving this error message whenever I loaded up vim:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Opening the offending file and reviewing lines 148-149 reveals:
148 command! -nargs=* -complete=file Rg :call s:Rg(<q-args>)
149 command! -complete=file RgRoot :call s:RgShowRoot()
I am well & truly out of my depth here, especially considering that this error was generated by simply installing the plugin; I've made 0 changes to the underlying file (vim-ripgrep.vim).
Has anyone encountered a similarly chronic error after installing ripgrep and, if so, how did you resolve it?
Congratulations, you have found a bug in a FOSS program. Next step is to either notify the maintainer via their issue tracker or, if you know how to fix it, submit a patch.
Case in point, the author assigns a completion method, -complete=file, but custom commands like :RgRoot don't accept arguments by default so the command makes no sense as-is: you can't complete arguments if you can't pass arguments.
It only needs a -nargs=*, like its upstairs neighbour, :Rg, to work properly and the error message is pretty clear about it:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
See :help -complete, :help -nargs, and more generally, :help user-commands.
As the other answer stated, it is a bug in this plugin. There is a currently open pull request to fix this: https://github.com/jremmen/vim-ripgrep/pull/58 Unfortunately, the repository is currently unmaintained, so it is unlikely to be merged any time soon. This active forks page may help you identify a new maintainer.
Until there is a new maintainer for vim-ripgrep, I suggest checking out that branch in your ~/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep directory and reopening vim.
I met the functionally same error on VIM plugins while using vim ~/.vimrc.
My met error liking yours:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep
I fixed the upstairs with the below:
cd /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/
git pull --rebase
If you are using vim-plug, try to change
Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}
Here are detail steps:
comment Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
add Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}

How to debug Halide internal error with CodeGen_LLVM

I have problems finding the source of an error message reported by JIT-compiled pipeline with halide.
The log message is:
Internal Error at Halide-release_2019_08_27/halide/src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp:2815 triggered by user code at :
Condition failed: append_string:
The LLVM_code at the following lines is:
llvm::Function *append_string = module->getFunction("halide_string_to_string");
I'm using halide release build from 2019_08_27 on Ubuntu 18.04.
The pipeline runs without any errors until somebody wanted to use the Halide::print() for debugging.
I've checked a small test pipeline and print seem to work.
My problem now is to find our bug in a very complex pipeline. Could somebody explain the source of this bug and what I need to check in my code to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
That means the function "halide_string_to_string" was not found in the runtime, which would be very odd for CPU targets. Hrm, I wonder if you're trying to use print inside a Func scheduled on a GPU or DSP? I could easily imagine that being broken.

Read/Write files with UNC path - in c++

I wrote a bit of code that reads/writes stuff...
I would like to add an option to read/write to UNC paths.
A bit of code:
if (boost::filesystem::exists (file_name))
std::ifstream in_file(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::in|std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate);
If the network share I am trying to use has been used before, this works.
But if I try with a share from a computer that I have not seen before, I get error:
boost::filesystem::status: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password: "\\xx\test.txt"
I'd like to avoid the exception, check the boost::filesystem::status for... what ? Looking in documentation, it seems that it can tell me if I have a regular file, or a directory... but how can I check if I have the correct permissions ?
Is there a way to actually send in the user name and password ?
Edit: found that I could call
Net Use \\yourUNC\path /user:uname password
I think either of these would make the code platform dependent ?
Also, if I do log in every time - in a sequence of 10000 calls, this would result in serious slowing down ?
Is there any way to check if the user is logged in ?
Note: I am using boost 1.47 - mostly windows but I'd like to be platform independent.
Thank you.
The only way I found that I can check rights was to try... catch surrounding a check for file exist call.
If the try fails, it means I don't have rights and can call system("Net Use...")
This way, I only have to log in once even if I read/write 10,000 files...
I don't like the fact that I have to use try... catch, if there is a better way, and I'll find it, I'll update - if anyone knows of a better way, please let me know.

Yesod-form package: Problem with running programs it via "wai-handler-devel"

I made a copy of hello-forms.hs from yesod-form package, just for doing some experiments.
When I run it via the main function, the server is doing well e.g. on port 2500.
HalloWelt.hs is here.
But when I try to run that program in bash console via wai-handler-devel - being in the directory where the HalloWelt.hs ( http://hpaste.org/48381 ) resides...
wai-handler-devel 2600 HalloWelt withHalloWelt
I get...
Attempting to interpret your app...
Compile failed: NotAllowed "module is not loaded: `HalloWelt' (./HalloWelt.hs)"
What could be the reason for that?
Thank you for any hint -
Best regards
I think you need a "module HalloWelt where" at the top of your file.
Oh, and I wasn't ignoring the question on web-devel, I just hadn't had a chance to look into it yet.

Win32 C/C++ checking if two instances of the same program use the same arguments

I have an application and I want to be able to check if (for instance) two instances of it used the same arguments on execution. To make it clearer:
myapp 1 2
myapp 1 3
This isn't a Singleton design pattern problem as I can have more than one instance running. I though about checking the running processes, but it seems that I can only get the process name and that doesn't help me.
Writing a file on startup and then having other instances check if that file exists isn't viable due to abnormal program termination which would leave me hanging.
In Linux I solved this by checking /proc/pid/cmdline and parsing the information there.
Does anyone have any idea if I can do something similar on windows?
You can do this via WMI's Win32_Process class.
You want wmic.exe. Try something like:
wmic.exe process list | findstr myapp.exe
Then sort it / parse it / whatever you need to do.
wmic is really a great tool to have.
I ended up using this script instead of filling up my code with WMI calls:
wmic process where "name='cmd.exe'" get CommandLine > list.txt
works great!
cheers and thanks you Seth and Reed
After some thinking I decided to do things a bit simpler...
Implementing a mutex and checking it's existence is. As I needed to check if the instances started with the same parameters and not if the same application was started, I just needed to decide on the mutex name in runtime!
DWORD m_dwLastError;
m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, cmdstr);
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
if(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == m_dwLastError)
found_other = true;
and that's it! no parsing, no wmi, no windows development sdk...
Cheers to you all!