in my Google sheet table I have the first list with summary of invoices which are then separated to 4 lists according to parameters (manually). I need to know about all invoices from the first list, on which category/list they are.
So for example - lists: Alphabet, abc, def, mno, xyz. In Alphabet is column "list".
How to write function which found invoice on another list according to ID (column B) from Alphabet and write name of the correct list to column "list". I tried to write this function using IF, match, etc. But I still don't have solution. Can you help me please? Sorry for my English :-)
So here is an example which you could adapt. In columns E:H on the first sheet (and I could hide these columns later, starting in row2 and dragging down as needed, I put the following formulas:
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(abc!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"abc","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(def!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"def","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(mno!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"mno","")
=IF(LEN(iferror(query(xyz!$A$2:$A,"select A where A='" & $A2 &"'"),""))>0,"xyz","")
Probably I could have simplified a little by putting the sheet names in E1:H1, but you get the idea.
Each of these looks for the ID. If the query succeeds, it returns the name of the sheet. If it fails, it returns the empty string.
Now in column B where I actually want the results, I put this formula in B2 and drag to copy as needed.
It says put those strings together, and if there is nothing there say nowhere, otherwise say the list. If it appears on more than one, and that can really happen, you could use JOIN instead.
I have a list within my application, but was wondering if it is possible to have each list displayed show a different background colour, rather than the same one through out each item?
I have created a template but would be nice to have the background of each change colour.
EDIT: I have also created the same list via a 'Ext.dataview.component.DataItem' / 'DataView' so if this is easier to control separately then great, as I am looking at interfering in te process of creating each and setting its background, if that is at all possible.
You could try to do that with simply XTemplate:
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>',
'<p>Company: {[ + ", " + values.title]}</p>',
'<p>Kids: ',
'<tpl for="kids">',
'<div class="{[xindex % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd"]}">',
take a look at their explanations, might find something interesting:!/api/Ext.XTemplate
I have seen many variants on the Ext.query('class').up().addCls('backgroundClass'); hack, which makes perfect sense to me, but my question is WHEN are people calling this? I can't put it in 'painted', since DOM doesn't seem to exist yet.. where/when are you guys executing the Ext.get(..) call?
I have been looking for this also, and I had a hard time finding out how to access the individual items of a xlist...
This is the way I finally did it:
in your itemTpl, add a class to your < div >, using the property 'id' of your model:
itemTpl:'< div class="my_list_item_{id}"> ... content ... < /div>'
the tricky part is that if you want to set the background color of the whole item area, you have to access to < div > with class 'x-item-label' that is wrapping your itemTpl < div >.
Here is how I did it (for the first item as an example):'.my_list_item_1').first().up('div.x-list-item-label').addCls('background_item');
where 'background_item' is a CSS style, defining your background color.
(Since there is no way (at least that I know of) to get the index count of your items in the 'itemTpl' config, I had to use to automatic 'id' property of my model/store.
Note that if you apply filtering/sorting/... on your store, this property will not be sorted anymore. So if you want to link the order displayed in your list to the 'id' property, you have to do something like 'Ext.StoreManager.get('MyStore').getAt(indexInList).get('id') )
Hope this helps...
Since Sencha Touch 2.2.1 it's also possible to use striped parameter (more info here). It will add x-list-item-odd class to odd items of your list.
I have trouble sorting two related but separate lists of tuple lists. One list is made up of tuple lists representing a blog post. The other list is made up of tuple lists representing a comment post.
The problem is when you would like the same order based on blog id value. The lists for blog posts is sorted via the date value. So you cannot just sort numerically via blog id for both blog and comment post. And you cannot just sort the comment post via date value because the date values of blog and related comment post may be different.
I am not sure how to approach the problem - at least not in an elegant way.
Should I use lists:nth and consequently get each tuple list and position value? Then I would get the value of blog id, Then I would search in the list for comment posts for that id. Get the value of that tuple list. Associate the value of that tuple list in a new list with the appropriate nth position value.
Should I use the lists:sort function?
Any suggestions with code samples much appreciated.
Here are two sample lists of tuple lists that can be used as a basis :
{<<"message">>,<<"la di da bo di do">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"that is cool">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"i like san francisco">>}]]
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}]]
And the desired output is the following with first list unchanged and second list reordered :
{<<"message">>,<<"la di da bo di do">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"that is cool">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"i like san francisco">>}]]
[ [{<<"comment_id">>,<<"x4">>},
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}]]
Ok, new try then :)
We have:
Basic module exports to test the thing
blogs() ->
{<<"message">>,<<"la di da bo di do">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"that is cool">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"i like san francisco">>}]].
Your definition of blogs.
comments() ->
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}]].
Your definition of comments.
sorted_comments() ->
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}]].
Your definition of being sorted.
sort(Blogs, Comments) ->
%% Create list of blog id's
Bs = [proplists:get_value(<<"blog_id">>, B) || B <- Blogs],
Fetch all the blog_id values from the Blogs.
%% Create the numbering
DB = dict:from_list([Item || Item <- lists:zip(Bs,
lists:seq(1, length(Bs)))]),
Number the order the blogs occur in. Stuff these into a dict for fast lookup later.
%% Sorter function:
F = fun(I, J) ->
II = proplists:get_value(<<"related_blog_id">>,
JJ = proplists:get_value(<<"related_blog_id">>,
dict:fetch(II, DB) =< dict:fetch(JJ, DB)
This function compares two Comments, I, J to each other based on their related blog_id.
{Blogs, lists:sort(F, Comments)}.
Return what we want to return.
sort_test() ->
{blogs(), sorted_comments()} == sort(blogs(), comments()).
Tester function.
2> c(foo).
3> foo:sort_test().