VS2017 Update does not work any more after removing C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages content - visual-studio-2017

To free up some disk space on C: I've decided to remove completely the conten of the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages.
After doing that, I'm not more able to update to the actual release of VS2017 Community. I'm working with 15.6.1.
Using Help-> Check for Updates does not solve the problem. I've got a window popping up telling me that my current version ( is up to date!
Any idea/workaround how to solve it?


Probably messed up security after rebuild. Automator actions tagged as malware

Last weekend my iMac stopped working (sorry forget the symptom details). I tried Disk Utility but it was unable to fix the issue. After I restarted in recovery mode I was able fix the SSD and HD partitions but ended up with a third item. My fusion drive seemed to be split. I found an Apple Support document: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207584 and ran 'diskutil cs create Macintosh\ HD disk0 disk1' from the terminal. This seemed to fix the drive.
I was able restore from Time Machine back-up. Got my old mail from BackBlaze. Seemed OK. However, downloaded files (with Safari) gave an error "File damaged and can't be opened. Drag to Trash". I found a fix for file-by-file repair, i.e. xattr -cr Path-to_file. Seemed to work but tedious and didn't really fix the problem. I thought I might make an Automator Folder action to fix the apparent problem with the extended attributes (addressed by the xattr) command. However, when I dragged an (any?) action into the workflow pane I get an error "The action 'Ask the Finder Items' was not loaded because it was detected as malware.
I'm starting to think there is a global permission flag that needs to be flipped.
Any suggestions ideas. Thanks.
Update of sorts. Other files restored from Time Machine are complaining to be damaged not just new downloads.
As reported elsewhere I replaced the file /var/db/gkopaque.bundle with the same file from my laptop via Airdrop. So far so good. Files can be opened. Automator also seems to be working.

Chromium-browser build fatal errors in module_list.cc: Check Failed

I've been trying to build chromium on Windows 10, but I am getting weird errors on runtime, which appear to be caused by that pattern:
void CheckFreeLibrary(HMODULE module) {
BOOL result = ::FreeLibrary(module);
The first errors are displayed after a few seconds after Chromium is started. Here's what it says:
[5904:9192:0726/025753:FATAL:module_list.cc(18)] Check failed: result.
base:debug:StackTrace:StackTrace [0x0000....] (e:\projects\clones\chromium\src\base\debug\stack_trace.cc) ...
Since I couldn't copy paste the whole stack, I will join a screenshot of what it all feels like:
I am successful in building the last revision, or at least, it appears to be successful since no errors are showing up when compiling with the toolchain recommended in Building instructions.
Luckily, the first errors aren't modal and it is possible to browse a little bit afterwards. Then, if I put the application into heavy loading (such as Facebook newsfeed), it will suddently stop responding in a silent way. Mouse hovering effects will not show anymore and reloading the page will result in infinite loading. This behavior is also reproductible when right-clicking on some pages (e.g.: google's home page does it sometimes).
What could be an explanation of this not working "out of the box" with default configuration? How to fix this?
P.S.: This question is complementary to this question:
Windows chromium-browser fresh build stacktrace and anonymous fatal errors on runtime, if it can help getting the big picture of the question.
P.S.2.: I am currently trying to rebuild from start again with this slight change to see if it works out better. I will be able to see it after about 10 hours, though (yes, the build is painful on my current setup).
void CheckFreeLibrary(HMODULE module) {
BOOL result = ::FreeLibrary(module);
if (!result) {
result = ::UnmapViewOfFile(module);
Update - 2016/07/29
Test with CheckFreeLibrary still failed in debug, but I finally found a way to resolve the issues in a build. See update 3 in superuser question. What I did was configuring the build into release mode via gn args. This is, obviously, almost impossible to debug with, so a solution / explanation is yet to be found about why it fails in debug mode. This is quite close now, though.
Update 2 - 2016/08/13
Started all over again to have a debug version again with the latest version in the repositories, and this time I was sure enough to find something. In fact, after I've run through the usual procedure to update, generate and build, I noticed that some win-core-* DLL libraries located in the Windows Kit debugger weren't copied src folder but one of those was assumed to be there during the link process. As a precaution, I've simply copied them all to be sure that any delay-load or build dependency was there. The first time chromium has launched, the errors didn't show up and thought it was resolving the issue. However, right-clicking on the Google Homepage had the same effect (no response, then browser not showing pages anymore). After closing and reopening it, errors are beginning to show up.
Is there anyone that had experienced that? I would be very happy with something like "do it on linux, it works better on this platform". I am not willing to do it without knowing it will work any better, though.
BOOL result = ::FreeLibrary(module);
fails in debug builds see if you have a
DWORD WINAPI GetLastError(void);
to get the real error.
I could guess
module not loaded
module is NULL
Perhaps some DEBUG statement is changing the value of module?

OpenGL stopped rendering

First things first: Platform is Windows 7 64-bit, language is VC++, IDE is VS2010. Graphics card is nVidia GTX 460, drivers are version 290.53.
So here's the situation. I am currently working in OpenGL using Glew 1.7 and Glut. I set everything up a few days ago and managed to successfully code and complete an assignment for my classes. The assignment ran beautifully and displayed and did everything it was supposed to. That was wonderful. So I submitted my assignment and didn't touch it again until tonight.
Now, tonight I tried running the code again and instead of my beautifully tessellated polygons I am getting a plain white window. As far as I know, nothing related to OpenGL has changed on my system since I last ran the code. I haven't changed the code at all, I haven't changed the graphics drivers, I haven't changed anything that I am aware of. I couldn't seem to find anything related to this kind of problem, and I am at a loss of what could possibly be causing the issue. I even tried recompiling Glew, but it didn't change anything. I know it's not a code issue since it was working fine a few days ago and nothing has changed, so it has to be a configuration issue.
Could someone please point me in the right direction?
One more thing to add to this. When I was originally doing the project in question, attempting to run it produced the error message "unable to find glew32d.dll" until I placed glew32d.dll and glut32.dll in the source folder of my project.
Now, I don't remember deleting them from my project folder, but when I tried to debug it last night, I noticed that both of them had disappeared from my project folder. However, I was not getting any .dll missing errors. Replacing them in the folder didn't solve the problem, but I am wondering if their disappearance has something to do with this. They are also located in the VC/bin/ directory of the VS2010 install path, and deleting them from both locations produces the error message, but having them in either location is now sufficient for building and running when previously I needed them in both.
One possibility is that you're scaling by an infinite value (1.#INF), or something of the sort. I've run into a very similar situation, and that turned out to be the problem. However, if you have not changed the code, then you may be able to rule this out. Have you tried throwing in some code to render a simple quad or triangle to the screen?
As for the .dlls, I recommend putting them in your C:/Windows/SysWOW64 and C:/Windows/System32 folders. SysWOW64 specifically houses all the 32-bit .dlls, but it's safe to put them in both locations. Visual Studio will look in both your project folder and these system folders for necessary dynamic libraries. The advantage of placing them in the system folders is that they are then available for all OpenGL applications you may write.
One last thing that might help in finding the issue is making use of OpenGL's error reporting. You can use a function such as:
void HandleGLError()
GLenum error;
int i = 0;
while ((error = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR) {
printf("GL ERROR(%d) %s\n",i,gluErrorString(error));
Try calling that at the beginning and end of your render function, and in any other places you think might be causing a problem.

OLEDragDrop Event working with compiled exe but not when debugging

We're using OLEDragDrop Event in one of our bigger products and have stumbled upon a strange issue. On my machine, if I build the application and run the exe-file, the application sees a drag-drop-event and I can drag a file from the desktop to the program and it saves it and does what it should do. However, when I go into debug-mode, this same function does not work. All I get is an icon-switch to the icon that indicates that I can't release the file "on top" of this program.
My co-worker has the same code, the exact same code from the same revision, and every other project-related setting is exactly the same. But he gets the expected behaviour from the application when debugging. The only reasonable guess we do have is that he hasn't applied the ~300mb security update for visual studio 2010 sp1. I'm right now setting up a virtual machine to check this out and will update when I know if it does indeed work without that update.
Has anyone else had a problem related to this one? Anything that could lead me on the right track I would be eternally grateful for.
Thanks for reading.
You won't be able to drag onto the application if Visual Studio is running as an administrator.

Why does Edit & Continue stop working

I have a large C++ project under VS2008, and use edit & continue quite a bit during debugging. However, sometimes after quite minor changes edit and continue simply stops working. Debug / apply code changes is greyed out. If I rebuild all, it tends to come back, but this takes ~30mins. It seems very sporadic, much more so than in previous versions of Visual Studio. Any ideas what could be causing this?
FWIW, I'm on VS2008 SP1, with Whole Tomato plugin, running on a 32bit 2G XP box. I suspect the problem could be resource related, but this is no more than a hunch based on the fact that the problem seems to occur more often if I have not rebooted recently.
I've eventually moved onto VS2010, SP1, and I'm delighted to note that edit and continue works like a charm. Far better in my case than any previous versions and quite a bit faster. FWIW, I've also moved onto a 64bit Windows 7 box with 16gb of RAM, so can't say definitively whether the problem was resource / compiler or platform related, just that the combination I'm currently using works very well.