I have already implemented angular multi-select Dropdown. Now I want it to search using RegEx. Like if I have qwertyuiop, and if I wrote w*i than it should suggest me all the entries who contains 'W' and 'I' in the same string.
Do you want to know the whole thing, like how to bind the input of an input field, read the input, create an RegEx out of it, and then use the RegEx as a filter to the list you are showing in your dropdown ?
Or only the RegEx part?
For the part with RegEx:
You should take a look at the Javascript Defintion of RegEx (for example at Mozilla Developer Network ). It has a quite nice functionality.
let input:string = // the value the user typed, like w*i
const regEx = new RegExp(input)
let myDropdownList:string[] = // the list of strings i want to filter
let filteredDropdownList = myDropdownList.forEach((value:string)=>{
return regEx.test(value)
What happens here?
You are creating a regular Expressen with new RegExp(someString).
You can optimize it with RegEx flags.
Later you test a string with myRegEx.test(theString). It will return true if the regEx founds at least one match in the string.
I hope this helps you a bit.
warm regards.
I want to filter a string from the URLs in Google Analytics. This can be done using the Views > Filter > Exclude using RegEx, but I have been unable to get it to work.
An outline of how these filters are set up, can be found here, however, I can not work out how to isolate the string using RegEx. I believe it will need to be one filter per URL type.
The URLs follow this format:
I need to exclude this part of the URL:
So that the URL data (e.g. Session time) is recorded against:
I have worked out that I can isolate the string using thing following RegEx
It is not very elegant and would require a filter for every URL type.
Thanks for the help!
I'm not certain if this will work in your exact case but instead of using regex for this it might be easier to just create a new string from the start to the end of "software" and append everything from pagename to the end. In Java this might look something like:
String newString = oldString.substring(0, 9) + oldString.substring(oldString.indexOf("pagename"));
Take note though that this will only work if the "software" at the start is always the same length and you are actually only excluding things between "software" and "pagename".
I am trying to replace substrings that look like the following
where Education or Educator could be in any position of the pipe delimited string. They are present at most only one time or zero times
I need to replace them with Educator/Education
What I want is
This works on the first pass with Education, I get
But on the second pass replacing Educator, I get
I think different a RegEx pattern for the ReplaceNth function would do it but cannot get what it should be
This is what I came up with in my limited ability with Google Script, which I got mostly from cobbling together from searches
Edit: Updated with Wiktors solution given in a comment
function FRCrit_n(){
FRCrit("Elements", "Combined-What Are The Primary Role(s) Being Play?");
function FRCrit(shtName,cheader){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(shtName);
var data = sh.getDataRange().getValues();
var col =HTN(shtName,cheader)-1; //Header to column index
data[n][col] = data[n][col].replace(/\bEducat(?:or|ion)\b/g, 'Educator/Education')[col],"Education","Educator/Education",1)
In regular expression syntax, you can create an 'or' condition using a vertical bar to search for multiple things in one go. You can test this out in G Suite Sheets without needing any code.
I think you want to search for
and replace it with
When you are happy with your results you can put it back into code - the same regex syntax should work in javascript.
I'm trying to create a custom filter in Google Analytic to remove the query parts of the url which I don't want to see. The url has the following structure
I would like to create a regex which skips the first 12 characters (that is until:/?p=899:2000), and what ever is going to be after that replace it with nothing.
So I made this one: https://regex101.com/r/Xgbfqz/1 (which could be simplified to .{0,12}) , but I actually would like to skip those and only let the regex match whatever is going to be after that, so that I'll be able to tell in Google Analytics to replace it with "".
The part in the url that is always the same is
Thank you
Your regular expression:
Tested in Golang RegEx 2 and RegEx101
It search for /p=###:[optional:####] and capture the rest of the right side string.
(extra) JavaScript:
var regex= /\/\?p=\d{3}\:\d{0,4}(.*)/;
var match = regex.exec(paragraf);
alert('The rest of the right side of the string: ' + match[1]);
Easily use "[domain]/?p=899:2000:15018702722302::NO:::".substr(12)
You can try this:
Which matches just this: ?p=[3numbers]:[0-4numbers]
Not sure about replacing though.
I'm currently building a simple search page in Node JS Express and Oracle.
I'd like to show the user a snippet of the matching text (first instance would do) to add a bit context of what the SQL found.
Search term: 'fish'
Results: Henry really likes going fishing, and once he caug ...
I'm not sure the best way to approach this - I could retrieve the whole block of text and do it in Node JS, but I don't really like the idea of dragging the whole text across to the app, just to get a snippet.
I've been thinking that REGEXP_SUBSTR could be way to do it... But I'm not sure whether I could use a regular expression to retrieve x amount of characters before and after the matching word.
Have I got the right idea or am I going about it in the wrong way?
, REGEXP_SUBSTR(LOWER(text), LOWER('fish')) AS potential_snippet
FROM table
WHERE LOWER(text) LIKE LOWER('%fish%');
Try this:
select text
, SUBSTR( TEXT, INSTR(LOWER(TEXT),'fish', 1)-50,100 )
FROM test
WHERE INSTR(LOWER(text),'fish', 1)<>0;
Play with the position and length numbers(50 and 100 in my example) to limit the length of the string.
If you need to extract some context with the help of JavaScript, you can use limiting quantifiers in a regex:
See demo
\b - matches at the word boundary (so that the context contains only whole words)
.{0,15} - any characters other than a newline (replace with [\s\S] or [^] if you need to include newlines)
fish - the keyword
The /i modifier enables case-insensitive search.
If you need a dynamic regex creation, use a constructor notation:
RegExp("\\b.{0,15}" + keyword + ".{0,15}\\b", "i");
Also, if you need to find multiple matches, use g modifier alongside the i.
I made an article spinner that used regex to find words in this syntax:
And then split them up at the "|", but I need a way to make it support tier 2 brackets, such as:
What my code does when presented with such a line, is take "{{word1|word2}" and "{word3|word4}", and this is not as intended.
What I want is when presented with such a line, my code breaks it up as "{word1|word2}|{word3|word4}", so that I can use this with the original function and break it into the actual words.
I am using c#.
Here is the pseudo code of how it might look like:
Check string for regex match to "{{word1|word2}|{word3|word4}}" pattern
If found, store each one as "{word1|word2}|{word3|word4}" in MatchCollection (mc1)
Split the word at the "|" but not the one inside the brackets, and select a random one (aka, "{word1|word2}" or "{word3|word4}")
Store the new results aka "{word1|word2}" and "{word3|word4}" in a new MatchCollection (mc2)
Now search the string again, this time looking for "{word1|word2}" only and ignore the double "{{" "}}"
Store these in mc2.
I can not split these up normally
Here is the regex I use to search for "{word1|word2}":
Regex regexObj = new Regex(#"\{.*?\}", RegexOptions.Singleline);
MatchCollection m = regexObj.Matches(originalText); //How I store them
Hopefully someone can help, thanks!
Edit: I solved this using a recursive method. I was building an article spinner btw.
That is not parsable using a regular expression, instead you have to use a recursive descent parser. Map it to JSON by replacing:
{ with [
| with ,
wordX with "wordX" (regex \w+)
Then your input
becomes valid JSON
and will map directly to PHP arrays when you call json_decode.
In C#, the same should be possible with JavaScriptSerializer.
I'm really not completely sure WHAT you're asking for, but I'll give it a go:
If you want to get {word1|word2}|{word3|word4} out of any occurrence of {{word1|word2}|{word3|word4}} but not {word1|word2} or {word3|word4}, then use this:
...which will match {{word1|word2}|{word3|word4}}, but with {word1|word2}|{word3|word4} in the first matching group.
I'm not sure if this will be helpful or even if it's along the right track, but I'll try to check back every once in a while for more questions or clarifications.
s = "{Spinning|Re-writing|Rotating|Content spinning|Rewriting|SEO Content Machine} is {fun|enjoyable|entertaining|exciting|enjoyment}! try it {for yourself|on your own|yourself|by yourself|for you} and {see how|observe how|observe} it {works|functions|operates|performs|is effective}."
print spin(s)
If you want to use the [square|brackets|syntax] use this line in the process function: