Adding service reference doesn't work in VS2017 - visual-studio-2017

When I click to add service reference in web application project a window opens titled "Add Service Reference" but nothing appears except title and "Not Responding" is shown next to "Add Service Reference" title. After some times it stops saying "Visual Studio 2017 stopped working" and causes restarting Visual Studio. I followed these steps but could solve this problem. I searched it for couple of days but couldn't find a solution and eventually I thought to ask here. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


Visual Studio 2017 is debugging in a new window instead of a new tab and Stops debugging if i close that window

I have just reinstalled Visual Studio 2017 enterprise edition and have ran into a strange problem.
When I debug in Chrome it opens a new window instead of a new tab and if i then either close the window or try to move that tab into my other window Visual Studio stops debugging.
I have checked to see if the "Enable JavaScript Debugging for ASP.Net (Chrome, Edge and IE)" is checked and it is not.
Does anyone know what would be causing this as it is very annoying and slowing down my work?
Uncheck also Enabled and Edit Continue checkbox.
This should solve closing issue but I couldnt find way to open in new tab instead of window yet.

Start Recording for Microsoft Coded UI Test 2017 is not selectable

I am just begining to learn about Coded UI test. Since it is still 2017, I figure Visual Studio 2017 is the best version I can try. Having a Visual Studio Enterprise license I decided to try it out. Turns out I have it installed even. Great. There are lots of tutorials that all seem to start the same way:
Start a new coded UI test builder project in Visual Studio.
generate coded ui test using test builder.
When the test builder pops up, most of the buttons on the tool including the record button are not selectable. There must be a configuration issue or a problem with my proceedure. What could be going wrong?
It is possible that there are other answers to this question, but one resolution to the issue seems to be that I origionally launched the project by selecting Coded UI test project from the installed node of the tree view for launching a project... When I launched a new project from the C# language sub node, then it worked. This seems like a bug to me. Now when I try to repeat launching a new project from the installed node nothing happens.
So now that I select the selectable recording button it tells me to restart the computer. Thats fine... OK: it appears to be working.

Unable to Open Visual Studio professional 2017 project connected to TFS online

Unable to sign into TFS online using visual studio professional 2017 v15.2 (26430.14) - Visual Studio locks up few seconds after login dialog appears...
Seems sign-in dlg is displayed as VS attempts to connect to TFS online; but no matter what you do you get locked up 3 secs later.. No matter what... end result is me killing the process and left unable to access any project.
THE ONLY WAY OUT I did figure out that if you cancel(esc key) the dlg closes before it hangs. you can THEN connect to TFS via team/menus. life saver.
does anyone know why this happens or how to correct..? seems intermittent but sometimes lasts for days.. meaning, I have to do this on every startup; but then magically the problem goes away. An associate of mine also sees this problem.
It looks like this issue is resolved with the latest VS2017 update (15.0.26430.16).
I'm not sure what version you are running, but try updating as it worked for me.

Visual c++ 2010 Express won't debug a new project

On a simple "hello world" newly created project, the built is successful, but when I click "debug" Visual c++ becomes unresponsive and nothing happens.
Note that I can see in my tasks manager several processes with my project's name, even after closing Visual c++.
If I open my previous project I can still launch it without trouble.
The user "rcgldr" gave the answer in comment, the problem comes from the Avast anti-virus software. Turning it off solves the issue.

Visual Studio 2012 doesn't load any project

So, I'm kinda new into this VS world. I'm using VS 2012 and it was everything working correctly last time. Now I try to open my projects and none of them actually loads. When I go to the solution explorer I just see the message "Load failed" followed by the message: "The project requires user input. Reload for more information." But when I reload, it pops up a message "The operation could not be completed. There is no support for this interface."
I don't know what it means by "requires user input", i never opened my project with any input, I just click on the project's file and open it...
Anyway, what is going on??
I got the same message (using VS 2013) opening a project located on a network drive.
I Right clicked the project in Solution Explorer and selected 'Reload Project', a dialog appeared warning me about an untrusted location, I clicked OK and the project loaded successfully.
Change the folder name of your project. Then VS asks again if it is trustable. than click YES. after that VS reloads the project
I had to "repair" Visual Studio Express 2012 on my Windows 10.0 Laptop. You get the repair option if you already have Visual Studio installed.
This fixed my issue which was exactly like above.
I removed the ComponentModelCache folder and restarted Visual Studio 2012.
This solved the issue for me.
This worked for me as well. I removed the contents of the folder, ComponentModelCache, then I restarted 2012 and the projects loaded without issue.