Action on Google Trivia in italian language - action

I create a quiz with template Trivia. I created the English and French version. But if I add Italian I do not see in the Action section the possibility of choosing Italian. How you do it?
enter image description here

Not all languages are supported for all templates. Italian is a relatively recent update, so they may not have finished the internationalization support for this yet.


Impossible to publish an article in only one language

I am a beginner in django cms and I have recuperated a project in this language and I find a bug without an answer.
The site is multilingual (French, English) and same for the blog. When an article is created in French I find myself having the article in French version in the list of articles on the English version of the site (in the list of English articles there are the French articles).
I hope I've been clear, do you have any idea what the problem is?

Language compatiblity issue in choregraphe

Current Project running in pepper supports both German and English language. When I try to run one new Project which supports only English language using Choregraphe. It doesn't work and gives me the below error message.
I change the robot language to English by accessing web-page of robot IP. But it still doesn't work. I also added to German language to the new Project. But the Problem remains same.
Any help would be appreciated.
[ERROR] ALAutomaticAnnotation :setCurrentLanguage:0 Cannot annotate the language: German
[ERROR] behavior.translator :load:0 Fail to load translation for '/home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/.lastUploadedChoregrapheBehavior' lang 'de_DE'
[ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit EndSpeechRecognitionEars: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index
What and how the necessary changes Need to be done in order to run new Project perfectly?
Thank you!
If your robot supports two languages then for each application you must add German as supported language. Maybe later you wish to install the app on another robot which support Japanese. Then you must have English, German and Japanese as supported languages.
For future reference, make sure the language support is enabled in project properties.

Sitecore Change Display name of Language

I am trying to change the display name of a language version dropdown so that it makes content authors life easy.
Here I have two language versions English and English (United Kingdom).
Is there a way I can change the display name of that from English - to let's say
English(Rest of the World).
I don't want to create a custom language or culture. Existing language and its culture are fine. Just want to change the display name to make it easy for content authors to understand.
Sitecore Version 8
It use the build in .NET CultureInfo. Previous there was a Custom Language Registration tool on the Marketplace. To make a Custom language. but sound not a good idea for your issue. Sitecore Marketplace
So create your own custom Language selector, Take a look at this Article:
It tell you about the sitecore\shell\Override\Applications\Content Manager\Galleries\Languages\Gallery Languages.xml Customize this and place your version in the \sitecore\shell\Override\Applications\Content Manager\Galleries\Languages\ For your change you can decompile the code (with JetBrains dotPeek) and create your custom version of it.

How to translate zoo blog component in joomla

I am using 'zooblog of 2.5.14' in a site of joomla 2.5.1 where 'falang' language translator has been used.Can you tell me is it possible to translate zoo blog with 'ZOOlingual' in my site where I am using 'falang' language translator without any problem.I have got to know that with 'joomfish' it is possible but I don't know with 'falang'.
Please answere me so that I can translate zoo blog from spanish to english.
All Joomla 2.5 extensions must comply with the multi-language standards.
Everything can be multi-language: menu items, content items, content modules, with other words, everything except the home menu item that is unique and cannot be translated into several languages.
Here is a video tutorial I've made some years ago, watch and learn :

Canadian to US English

Does there exist something like Canadian to US English e-dictionary which I can use in my application?
Here's a handy Ruby function which will work 90% of the time for Canadian English.
def toCanadian(american)
american.gsub(/or$/, 'our').gsub(/er$/, 're') + " eh?"
I don't know if any such dictionaries exist as a usable module. However I did find on the Ubuntu wiki a very complete looking list between en-US and en-GB (British):
And if you go here it has some links to different resources:
One of which is here:
I think it's the type of thing you might have to do manually, although that's just from browsing Google briefly. Perhaps someone has already done something like this and has or knows of something that will work.
Wait, I thought Canadians spoke English and French... :)
What programming language?
There's the Google Ajax Language API for web apps...
There are some hints in the Wikipedia article Canadian English, such as *lor = *lour. Combine that with some of the American English encyclopedias here.