Is it possible to post a comment on facebook page review?
I already have facebook page reviews, but the graph api endpoint for rating is not returning their Ids, so that i can use comment endpoint to post comment.
How can i get the rating with ids?
I have checked this question but the answer is not working.
The problem was with the answer i was following.
You have to make http get request on{PageID}/ratings?fields=open_graph_story&access_token={PageAccessToken}
to get detailed response. Make sure the parameter is "fields" not "field"
My Facebook app asks for manage_pages permission. My need is to retrieve the complete thread of recommendation comments, including comments and replies to comments, left by users and page owner on a Facebook page (authorized by a client via Facebook Login).
Using the Graph API endpoint /{page_id}/ratings with a page token I get all the recommendations.
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}, can I get the recommendation's author ?
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}/comments, I get all the 1st level comments (users ones and mine)
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}_{comment_id}/comments, I only get the 2nd level comments left by me. Can I get the user comments, with their message and author ?
I'm trying to download every comment on a public facebook post (it's one of those "can you do this basic algebra problem" posts - I want to see what percent of the comments get it right).
The Graph API Reference shows that I should be able to just GET{object-id}/comments.
I believe the object-id of this post is {user-id}_{post-id}, where post-id is the id in the url. So given this url:
The user-id of is 1101752663 (from, and the post-id is 10207885721596563 (from the url), which makes the object-id="1101752663_10207885721596563".
When I try in the Graph API Explorer, though, I get:
"data": [
What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to get the comments? There are close to a million so loading them all in the browser and scraping with javascript would be unfeasible.
That is a user profile. You can only get data of a user profile if that specific user authorized your App. In that case, you would need to authorize with the user_posts permission. Just because it is public, does not mean you can get the data - that would only work for Pages.
This is confusing. So just to clarify:
REQ #1: To fetch basic stats for a URL, you send GET request to:
(alternatively, FQL can be used to fetch stats for a URL, but that doesn't return the OpenGraph Object)
REQ #2: To fetch comments for a URL, you do a GET:
REQ #3: To fetch likes for a URL, you GET:
But how do you comment on / like a URL programmatically?
I guess, likes can be created using Open Graph API, right?
where 1234 is the OpenGraph Object ID of an article (as returned by REQ #1).
But this requires an approval process, the like action has to be approved by Facebook.
Is there a better way to do this? Can I use for example the Graph API for all these things?
My goal:
Currently I'm using the Facebook like button and comments plugin to create likes and comments. But these use the JS SDK, which is huge, and they generate a lot of external requests. I wanna get rid of them and just send an AJAX request to my server, which would then asynchronously talk to Facebook, and it would post the Like / Comment.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
I read through the Facebook docs briefly and I don't believe you can do this other than the way you indicated with authenticating.
You should also take a look at this thread: 'Like' a page using Facebook Graph API
You would need to authorize every single user before he would be able to like something, and you would need to go through a review process on Facebook. And i am pretty sure you would not get the required permissions approved just because you want to get rid of the JavaScript SDK overhead, to be honest.
The Social Plugins are asynchronously, so the overhead for downloading the SDK is irrelevant as it happens in the background and it is non-blocking.
I have an idea, to do this. You can use long term access token, Once you login you receive short term token. After receiving short term token you need to request your long term access token. Save that token in DB or file.
Then you can use Graph Api, to make requests. This will eliminate the need for access requirement every time you request api.
Just use access token you saved before.
Refer this documentation from Facebook for further clarity.
Happy Coding!
Atul Jindal
I have a user who can manage some Facebook Page. I've got access token with all permissions, including publish_actions as written here.
When I send a POST request from Graph API Explorer to <page-id>/feed specifying message and access_token of course, my post appears in Page Feed and author of this post is Page. But when I send a POST request with link instead of message it appears in 'recent publications from others' with my name.
What have I done wrong?
I'm seeing the same thing. If I send a message to <page-id>/feed it will work fine. But if I send a link to the same endpoint it posts on the
I am following the Facebook developer documentation for making a post to a Facebook 'Page' as the Page itself, which according to the docs requires impersonation. I've gotten the access token for the page itself, as well as the Page's ID, by making a call to the "accounts" feed for the user who's the admin for the Page. I then POST to[Page_ID]/feed
With the post items
containing the access token and the message, and I get a JSON string back with a post ID. Which all seems to indicate that it is posting the message to the page. HOWEVER, when I go to the particular Page, it doesn't display the posted status.
Does anyone perhaps have any idea why that might be?
Thanks in advance everyone!
Did you make sure to get the "publish_stream" permission from the user?