Customize Find in Files results window in visual studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

In Visual Studio 2015 you could customise what was displayed in the Find in Files results window by editing the registry key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Find (see blog post at
Visual Studio 17 does not have this key and, despite searching repeatedly over the past few months, I can find no way of controlling what is shown in the results window. This means long file paths take up most of the window space, making it very inconvenient to use. Can anyone help?


Visual Studio 2017 Default Button Icons

I am using Visual Studio Community 2017.
I like using everything out-of-the-box as much as possible, sometimes you just need a button and you quickly need an image, so I was wondering are there some default icons in VS that you can quickly use, without the hassle of searching the internet for stock images?
The reason why I'm asking this is that I always wondered when you add default buttons to ToolStrip some default icons show up, like save icon etc.. So I'm just guessing that VS has this icons somewhere stored.
p.s. I searched the internet but I did not found the answer to this question for my version of VS, and I'm wondering if anything changed. Concretely I'm searching for configuration icon, like a spanner or a cog.
You can download the visual studio image library from here
The is also Syncfusions metro studio

Visual Studio 2015 - Can't see code to existing project

When I open a C++ project created recently on Visual Studio 2015 I am able to debug it and have it run, but the code window is blank. I've clicked all around and can not find anything to show me the code so I can continue to work on it.
I have tried:
F7: View Code does not work.
Opening from the Solution Explorer window does not do anything.
Searching Google, Stack Exchange, and YouTube tutorials for my identical problem.
I suspect it is a very straightforward misunderstanding of the interface on my part, but wanted to get involved on Stack Exchange to figure it out.
Fixed with the following for me.
Change 'Color Theme' to something other that what you have.
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Color theme:
Select OK then exit Visual Studio.
Open project and should see your source.
Please clear Visual Studio Cache, then open the Visual Studio again.
You can find cache folder on follwing path
Note : Close Visual Studio, and stop all Visual Studio processes.

peek help in Productivity Power-Tools plugin for Visual Studio 2013 opens same page every time

When I right click on a type, for example int and click peek help I am always shown the same page:
Writing Code in the Code and Text Editor
How can I fix this?
I found the Custom Web Search Visual Studio extension to be a decent replacement for this functionality. However, it only supports Visual Studio 2017.
I made a custom Google search because the search function on is less than desirable:{QUERY}, e.g.

MFC DateTime picker format changes when I open visual studio

I have a form in which I have placed a MFC DateTimePicker control. I set its format property to Time. Work with my app and everything is fine. But when I close visual studio and open it the next time, format has changed to its default value.
I noticed everything saves just fine, since if I build my solution using devenv.exe at command line the dialogs are displayed correctly. So it seems to me that whenever I open VS, it changes my setting.
How do I avoid this?
Tried VS2010, the problem did not occur there. However the project I'm working on is using VS2003 so the problem still persists.
you are the 210th user of visual studio who found that bug but don't worry this will not show you from visual studio 2005 onward.
As per release note by Microsoft this issue came due to the,
behavior occurs because a problem exists in the Visual Studio .NET resource editor for Visual C++ projects.
For more information on this please seen following bug of visual studio resource editor.
FIX: The Format property of the DateTimePicker control reverts to Short Date in Visual Studio .NET 2003

TODO items not showing up in Visual Studio Express 2012

The TODO list items aren't showing up in Visual Studio Express 2012 for C++.
Why are the TODO list items not showing up?
This question has been asked before, but none of the answers have resolved my issue. I have done the following:
What I have already tried:
Checking formatting was://TODO test
Checking the task list drop down was set to Comments
Made sure the file with the comment was open and selected
Set Enumerate Comment Tasks to True under:Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Formatting->Miscellaneous->Enumerate Comment Tasks
Restarting the application
JBentley's first suggestion fixed the issue. I was missing the colon, so the correct format was://TODO: text
Try adding a colon:
//TODO: text
// ^^^
// colon
This worked for me (with Enumerate Comment Tasks set to True, as you mentioned) in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
Caveat: the file needs to be open AND active for it to appear in the task list in C++, according to the Visual Studio 2008 documentation:
With Visual Basic and Visual C#, the Task List displays all the
comments in the solution. With Visual C++ projects, the Task List
displays only the comments that are found in the file that is
currently active in the editor.
I couldn't find the equivalent documentation for any later versions, but the behaviour seems to be unmodified in Visual Studio 2012 which is a shame because it makes the feature rather limited in usefulness.