raspbian (rasp pi 3) connection to database (mysql / mariadb) - c++

I am stucked.
I am relative neewbie in Linux with some previous exp. in php programming.
I want write a script with my raspi pi 3, qt, and databases.
I am unable to get database connection work.
all tutorials are counting either with cppconn, libmysqlclient(-dev), mysql.h.
Non of that I am able to get on to my Raspi.
I have MariaDB installed and configured, I also installed mysql, and mysql-common.
And that where I stucked.
Unable to build the script in C++, because mysql.h is missing.
Can you please help me out of this situation?
Thank you!

As #Martin Bonner said - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-cpp/en/connector-cpp-installation-source.html this was solution for my problem. I installed this package on Linux with apt-get install lmysqlcppconn.
I also make sure that all source are in /usr/include/


I can't download minGW packages [duplicate]

I'm trying to set up MinGW. I have downloaded the latest installer, which installs mingw-get but this utility fails to fetch the packages and gives the following kind of messages:
mingw-get: * ERROR * Get package: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/gcc-4.5.2-1-mingw32-lic.tar.lzma?download: download failed
There is no firewall running. Anyone had the same problem?
Thanks to all.
Try with "Administrator rights" . It helped me.
This problem has happened to me too and was due to - I guess - temporary problems to either the network or sourgeforge itself. I suggest retrying after a while.
This problem comes from the network. I can't download it by using my fiber broadband microtalk communication bit it still downloading by using my jio mobile network.
Try installing it from osdn.net
Here's the link: https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/releases/
It's same as sourceforge but was able to connect and download
worked for me and my friends!

cherrypy 2.3.0 compatibale with Python 2.7.5?

How can I get cherrypy 2.3.0 to be compatible with Python 2.7.5? I am trying to run the Filelocker2 application. It is previously on an older server that is running centos 5. We created a new Centos 7 VM server, and are migrating Filelocker2 over to the new cent7 machine. However I am not able to find much info on this subject. I believe it must either be extremely simple so there isn't much documentation on it, or it's simply not possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Screenshot of the error message I receive when executing the python startup script for Filelocker2
FileLocker 2.6 requires CherryPy 3.2+.
But I'm not sure you really have FileLocker 2.6. There is no such code in lib.FileFieldStorage. You have to find out what versions you really have.

Is there any well documented Redmine installation process

is there any well documented step by step procedure to install redmine?. I tried to install it on my Ubuntu machine.But i am unable to access it from another machine. please tell me how to it. is there any document which show how to host as centralized
See this guide: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/redmineinstall. Its a general installation guide. I used it to install Redmine on Debian Jessie.

Does Installer Need an Internet Connection?

I have a Windows machine that I want to install Python (2.7) on.
That machine is not connected to the internet and never will be.
Hence the question: If I download the thing that the python site
calls the installer and copy it to that machine, will that be
enough to install python? Or does the installer need internet
access, like so many "installers" these days?
(Yes, I could just try it. Got a very slow connection...)
Anyone happens to know the answer to the same question regarding
wxpython that would be great.
If you mean python installer for windows, yes it's enough and installer doesn't need internet connection, but if you want to install another modules through pip you will need internet connection.

Rethinkdb chef solo cookbook

Is there any RethinkDB chef solo cookbook that allows one to install latest rethinkdb on ubuntu 14.04 / AWS.
I tried couple options, however it didn't help.
https://github.com/vFense/rethinkdb-chef - how to install latest version?
https://github.com/sprij/rethinkdb-cookbook.git - source compilation takes hours
I would appreciate any help regarding this.
Try the cookbook that is available from the community repository first:
It claims to be integration tested on Ubuntu. If it doesn't work under chef-solo, then I'd advise you to switch to local mode chef client instead.
Also checkout Berkshelf for managing cookbook dependencies. It's a standard tool in the chefdk
I updated rethinkdb-chef to work with the latest version of RethinkDB as well as removed the network portion of the .kitchen.yml file. I validated that this does work on CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 14.04.
I still need to write tests as well as documentation. As per Marks answer, try to use the community supported version 1st. I created this cookbook, so that I can customize it as per my needs with vFense.