Google finance no longer work? - google-finance

I used to get stock rate from google finance api by javascript with following url:
but now it no longer work! I have search on the net but no luck. Any help would be great, Thank!

It appears Google had "officially" desupported this in 2012, but as of this week, has actually shut it down.
Related: google finance api not working from 6/september/2017'
Related: google finance json stock quote stopped working


What are Cloud Anchors?

I was exploring Google IO 2022 webpage, having been introduced to it just this year. Something that was interesting to me was ARCore Cloud Anchors -
I wanted to know more about how cloud anchors work but could not find much on the internet that explains this concept intuitively. Kindly help me understand what are these and how do they work.
PS: If this is the wrong stack exchange site to post this query, kindly let me know where can I post this query instead?

Google Contacts API - Regarding Deprecation of Contacts API and Remove API's

We have come across the update that Contacts API is getting deprecated but the old APIs are still working fine. Can you please let us know when will the old API's remove?
enter image description here
According the Google docs the Contacts API was shut down on January 19, 2022.
See here:
Are you sure it's still working for you?
If so, I wouldn't count on it as it might break for you any day now.

Google Places SDK for iOS equivalent of Google Places API call

I am building an IOS app using SwiftUI and I have decided to use Google Places as it returns better results than MapKit. I am running into some trouble figuring out the use of Places API and. Places SDK for IOS.
I would like to know what is the Places SDK for iOS equivalent of the following Places API text search call which I am using to find all "sports clubs" near me:
var urlString = "\(query)&key=\(googleApiKey)"
SDK Current Place only returns places nearby, and SDK Autocomplete only returns 5 results.
Thank you
Looking at their official documentation, that feature is not yet available on Places SDK for iOS. So making that Text Search web request is your only option.
There is however an existing feature request to add that functionality in that SDK. If you are interested in this issue, visit the Issue Tracker at the link below, and star the issue. This will subscribe you to receive technical updates on the issue. Starring the issue also provides them with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to their customers, and increases the issue's priority with their product engineering team.
You can view, and star the issue here:

how to use google cloud text to speech API? i contacted their support not of much help. any smart guy who can get me through this?

I created the credentials, but was not able to locate the product for end use. there was a page but we had to use code there some jason script may be. not the product they showed in the demo.

Automating download of Google Trends Data in the Post 2014 World

I've tried a number of the solutions (e.g. pyGTrends) found here and suggested by others and had code of my own functioning several years ago, but it appears that at some point Google has changed the way Trends is accessed or at least the authorization required to download it.
Can anyone share code that downloads (with authentication) Google Trends data? Do I need to use OAuth 2.0 somehow.
I'm obviously completely in the dark here.