Visual Studio 2017 shows "Change signature" as a quick action. Why? - visual-studio-2017

In Visual Studio 2017 I often see one or more useful Quick Actions (the yellow lightbulb). Most of these actions are effective tools to refactor my code.
But I don't understand the action "Change signature..." (see screenshot below). It seems to pop up all the time, especially when I select a function/sub call. When I select this action I can rearrange the parameters in the call, even if I have only one parameter in the call (why rearrange one parameter?). I don't find this action useful at all...
I have tried to find an explaination and/or usefulness of this action. Can anyone explain if I'm missing something important? Or is it simply an annoying feature that I have to live with?
Screenshot: The Change signature action as a quick action

Old question, but I found this when I googled the problem.
In my case, this was just a matter of myself being impatient and Visual Studio showing errors prematurely. This suggestion will be made if your method returns a type by definition, but no return value is set.


How to hide a visual in power-bi?

Often there will be client requirement where the visual needs to be hidden unless selected upon or unless it meets certain criteria.
Power-Bi does not, at present offer this solution. However, there is a workaround for this.
I found this awesome article which explains how it can be done.
You can go through the above link which explains how easily it can be done.
Credits to the creator.
Cheers :)

Automatically export a visual studio 2012 template

I'm wanting a way to 'automatically' export templates from Visual Studio 2012.
I'm aware you can do it manually by selecting File->Export Template and then fill out the wizard's questions for each project you have in your solution, but it takes a long time (typing... etc). I want to automate this in code.
I've spent quite a bit of time researching this to no avail; hence my question here!
Investigation 1:
You 'could' do this with macros, however it is a bit ugly and not really professional. (How would you get the list of projects you have in your solution any way?)
Investigation 2:
Apparently it is possible by tapping into the Visual Studio's automation objects; I can get at the function to export the project, however it only launches the Export Template Wizard resulting in you having to manually type in all the details anyway.
See this link
Investigation 3:
You can execute a file called 'Projectgen.exe', which helps the creation of the wizard's options (so you don't have to type them), however apparently it belongs to another company and, after contacting them, they were not willing to give me the file. (Not only that, it was designed for earlier versions of Visual Studio and calling an out-of-proc EXE is always not very nice) See this link
There was a similar question to this at Visual Studio 2012 - Export Template automation but no real answer.
There MUST be a cleaner way to do this! Id be happy to share what knowledge I have... Thanks!
I ended up creating a CodedUI recording and with some modifications I was able to automate the whole multi-project export process.

How to disable hints in Dev C++?

I have Bloodshed Dev C++
Every time I stop typing for a second this hint pops up and I can't see a thing what I'm typing! I have a feeling that it waits for a most unsuitable moment to pop up. Then it disappears in 2 secs, or, sometimes, whenever it wants.
Is there a way to disable it? (haven't found one in the settings)
it confused me too. So when i got the answer, i come here. here is the answer.
On the top of the IDE, choose the 'tools', next 'editor options', then find the checked box 'show editor hints'. uncheck it. done. Hope this helpful.
I never used Dev-C++, but from searching on the Net I found two links:
In the first, it says that in version they added an option for mouse hints disabling - maybe it will work for keyboard, too.
In the second link, they say disabling "class browsing" will work for a similar issue - might not be what you want (as it probably disables everything), but give it a try.

Outlining in VS2008, C++, not working

I'm using VS2008 (version 9.0.30729.1 SP) and have found that outlining regularly stops working. I get outlining options for the start and end of functions, and for comment blocks, but not for other code blocks, such as ifs, while loops, for loops, etc... Using Reset all settings, as recommended in a similar previous question temporarily fixes the problem, but it comes back going in and out of visual studio. It also has the side effect of requiring me to reset all my C++ directories. Any ideas how to resolve this?
Edit: Using Right Click / Outlining / Collapse block works, but is a bit tedious. I'd really like to see the embedded pluss and minus symbols on the graphic outline. I've tried all the other outlining sub-menu options but to no avail.
My suggestion would be to write a script which every couple of hours adds a randomized post to the VS2008 support forums, requesting that this feature be made more robust, until someone at MS promises to improve it. ;-)
More seriously, you might make a copy of the VS configuration settings files, work until the bug reoccurs, then make another copy, and diff the two versions to see what might have changed. That might give a clue, since resetting the settings seems to fix it temporarily.

Visual C++ 2008 Forms Incredibly Slow

In Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition when adding forms all of the default handlers for buttons, check boxes, etc go into FormName.h by default. So when I do this most of my handler code now goes in the header, then I switch back to the "Design View" to see the form designer. Once I have any reasonable size interface going back to "Design View" from the code view (of the header FormName.h) takes on the order of 1-3 minutes for (what I assume to be) the form designer to re-parse the header file to roundtrip any changes I may have made in the actual code.
Is there a way to change this behavior? I've done some basic Googling but haven't really found anyone complaining about this issue, so I assume I'm missing something obvious. Any help would be much appreciated.
It's a known problem with using Windows Forms designer with C++ in Visual Studio. You have to move your definitions of member functions manually from a header file to corresponding source file. You might want to take a look at this thread where I raised this issue on msdn c++ group.
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