Where can I find "C/C++ Users Journal" code archive? - c++

The articles can be found from Dr. Dobb's web site, but I can't find the links to the source code anywhere. I'm looking at this article in particular (http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/184403758). Googling around seems to suggest that the source code used to be at http://www.cuj.com/code/archive.htm or ftp.cuj.com/pub/ but neither of those sites are alive anymore. I have also tried webArchive but they don't have it.
Anyone knows any mirror or back up sites that contain those code files?

DDJ and CUJ source code are archived here:

The Dr. Dobbs archive is available on DVD. See https://store.ddj.com/product/13/Dr.-Dobb%27s-Developer-Library-DVD-Release-6.


How to integrate a wiki with Mantis bug tracker

I have read the original and updated guides in the Mantis Wiki on how to integrate DokuWiki, but when I follow those instructions now it gives me a number of errors. While doing so I noticed that a lot of Wiki integration is now already supported, and the instructions conflict with what is already there.
In the administrator and developer guides in the Mantis documentation there is nothing relating to wiki integration, and I don't see anything in plugins either.
So, where will I find decent documentation on integrating a Wiki (the DokuWiki on has some excellent integration, would prefer that) with Mantis?
It appears that the answer was on the original page, but fairly easy to miss. Basically just ignore everything in the Mantis Steps section, and edit the wiki values in the config_inc.php file.

Where is a good place for a code review?

A few colleagues and I created a simple packet capturing application based on libpcap, GTK+ and sqlite as a project for a Networks Engineering course at our university. While it (mostly) works, I am trying to improve my programming skills and would appreciate it if members of the community could look at what we've put together.
Is this a good place to ask for such a review? If not, what are good sites I can throw this question up on? The source code is hosted by Google Code (http://code.google.com/p/nbfm-sniffer) and an executable is available for download (Windows only, though it does compile on Linux and should compile on OS X Leopard as well provided one has gtk+ SDK installed).
Thanks, everyone!
-Carlos Nunez
UPDATE: Thanks for the great feedback, everyone. The code is completely open-source and modifiable (licensed under Apache License 2.0). I was hoping to get more holistic feedback, considering that my postings would still be very lengthy.
As sheepsimulator mentioned, GitHub is good. I would also recommend posting your project on SourceForge.net and/or FreshMeat.net. Both are active developer communities where people often peruse projects like yours. The best thing for your code would be if someone found it useful and decided to extend it. Then, you'd probably end up with plenty of bug fixes and constructive criticism.
You might get some mileage by posting the code out in the public space (through github or some other open-posting forum), putting a link here on SO, and seeing what happens.
You could also make it an open-source project, and see if people find it and use it.
Probably your best bet is to talk to your prof/classmates, find some professional programmers willing to devote their time, and have them review the code. Like American Idol-esque judging, but for your software...
As #Noah states, this is not the site for code review. You may present problems and what you did to overcome those problems, asking if a given solution would be the best.
I found a neat little website that might be what you are looking for: Cplusplus.com

good/full Boot Spirit examples using version 2 syntax

Almost all of the examples I've gone and looked at so far from: http://boost-spirit.com/repository/applications/show_contents.php use the old syntax. I've read and re-read the actual documentation at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/index.html and the examples therein. I know Joel is starting a compiler series on the blog http://boost-spirit.com/home/ but that hasn't gotten in full swing yet. Any other resources to see worked examples using some more sophisticated/involved aspects in the context of fully working applications?
Well, there is always the examples directory in Boost SVN: $BOOST_ROOT/libs/spirit/example containing a couple of more sophisticated things to look at. The tests directory adjacent to this contains a huge amount of small tests scrutinizing each and every technique we know of as well.
In addition, Joel and I will have a presentation about the progress we made with the compiler thing you mentioned at BoostCon next week. All of the material will be available right after the talk and all the related code is already in the examples directory in Boost SVN (trunk). We probably will start writing about this effort on the Spirit website after the conference.
I know this is not as much as we have for Spirit.Classic in the application repository, but we really hope to get there over time... Everything depends on what will get contributed by the people using Spirit!

C++ and Thrift: Reference needed to get started

I have read about Thrift while trying to find out how to use Google Protocol Buffers. I have been searching for some reference that shows how to go about using it with a simple working example for C++. It's been frustrating not being able to find any such site. It is a bit surprising that almost all the examples use Java, a language that has cross-platform RMI already at its disposal. May be I have missed something in searching, and I would very much appreciate if anyone can give a reference to a tutorial with a working example, however small.
I've never used Thrift, but Googling for "thrift" brought me to this page - http://incubator.apache.org/thrift/ - which has a C++ example at the bottom of the page.
The thrift wiki has this page - http://wiki.apache.org/thrift/ThriftUsageC%2B%2B - which has more info on using it with C++
once when you install thrift in folder tutorial you have example of thrift file,
server&client implementations in different languages and README file.
This is good place to start!
Because there were no tutorial on the web, I created one in my blog.
You can check my full tutorial about Thrift in: My Blog
Since it's too long, I cannot post my answer here. But I think my blog is a good resource for anyone who wants to get started with Thrift.

Can you remove dead wiki links in the "See Also" section of a FogBugz case?

We have a couple cases in FogBugz that have a link to an old wiki via the See Also section. No where in these cases is there a link in the edited text (the normal section where you enter your text), so I'm assuming the link was created through the wiki article (using the Case ### linking method). However, the wiki article appears to be deleted (as clicking the link says This article does not exist). Is there any way to actually remove the link from these cases to the non-existent wiki?
Here's a link to the question on the FogBugz Technical Support forum.
They have fixed this issue and will be releasing it in the next FogBugz update. Many thanks to Ben Kamens, Rich Armstrong, Joel Spolsky and the rest of Fog Creek!
Might be a good idea to ask this one on the FogBugz tech support forum. Likely you'll have to go into the DB directly and edit the records to remove the links. That's my thought.
You're probably aware of this, but this bug was fixed in FogBuz version 7 (possible patched in version 6).