How to enable and disable ELMAH in web.config and in code behind? - elmah

I am using ELMAH for error reporting in my ASP.NET projects. Everything is working great, except when I debug a project I don't want to send an email report to the allowed users.
How can I accomplish this feat?

Assuming you have different web.config files for your development and production environments, just disable Elmah in your development web.config. You'll want to comment out (or remove) the Elmah.ErrorLogModule element in the httpModules section.

Maybe you can use ErrorFiltering to turn off the email logging in the Global.asax. Something like:
void ErrorMail_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs e)

Another way is to use the ErrorMail_Mailing method. When ELMAH sends the email, it runs this first (when present in global.asax.cs)
public void ErrorMail_Mailing(object sender, ErrorMailEventArgs e)
e.Mail.Subject = "Error in Development";
The example above can be via the the transformations in web.Debug.config & web.Release.config. But there is a lot more you can do in this method. See


How do I subclass/override Ember.Logger?

I am implementing remote logging ability in my Ember app, where I want to push everything that gets sent to the log console to a remote logging service (e.g. Loggly).
I believe that what I need to do is override Ember.Logger's methods to redirect log output to the remote logging service, but I can't figure out how to do that.
The documentation for Ember.Logger simply states:
Override this to provide more robust logging functionality.
How do I "override this"? I've tried doing Ember.Logger.reopenClass() and it complains with Ember.Logger.reopenClass is not a function.
Where would I do this? In an initializer? In a service? Other?
Ember.Logger is not an Ember class. It's just an object with some methods on it.
You can override it by something like
Ember.Logger.log = function(...
You can put this wherever you want. I might put it at the top of app.js.
Expanding upon and updating #user663031 response...
As of Nov 2017, the status of Ember.Logger is up in the air. It was not included in Ember's module API, and there isn't yet an RFC for the future.
It is possible use a debug utility directly, e.g. ember-debug-logger, and extend those prototypes separate from Ember.Logger.
However, I opted to overwrite Ember.Logger directly because it allows me to include any logging tool that I like (as opposed to debug util) without having to modify the log statements scattered throughout the code.
As I use bunyan on the backend, opted to log with browser-bunyan, which incidentally has the same info, warn, error as Ember.Logger.
YMMV, but this is the minimal example that worked for me...
// app/app.js
import LOG from './logger-bunyan';
if (config.APP.LOG_BUNYAN) {
Ember.Logger = LOG;
// app/logger-bunyan.js
import bunyan from 'npm:browser-bunyan';
const LOG = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'emberApplication',
export default LOG;
// config/environment.js
if (environment === 'development') {
// app/component/WhereIWantToLog.js
Logger.warn('bunyan logged warning message')

Elmah is not logging NullReference exception

Good afternoon,
in my project is installed elmah framework to logging exceptions. On the localhost it works fine, but when I deploy it to production it stops logging null reference exceptions. All others exceptions are logged (or I didn't find out next which is not logged).
I have set logging into SqlServer.
I can't find out what is wrong, can someone give me advice please? (How I said it loggs all exceptions what I fired but only this one is never caught)
Thank you
Well, Thomas Ardal answered right.
Problem was in the FilterConfig.cs file. Because in default settings it didn't want log any 500 errors, dangerous requests, null reference exceptions etc, i have added this lines:
public class ElmahHandleErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if(filterContext.Exception is HttpRequestValidationException)
ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(filterContext.Exception));
and added this line to the RegisterGlobalFilters method on the first place.
filters.Add(new ElmahHandleErrorAttribute());
After that it started log some exceptions but not all. Solution is that I remove if condition and catch everything. So if anyone will have similar problem, be sure, that problem will be somewhere in filters...

Elmah Does not email in a fire and forget scenario

I have a MVC app where I am trying to capture all the incoming requests in a ActionFilter. Here is the logging code. I am trying to log in a fire and forget model.
My issue is if I execute this code synchronously by taking out the Task.Run Elmah does send out an email. But for the code shown below I can see the error getting logged to the InMemory logger in elmah.axd but no emails.
public void Log(HttpContextBase context)
Task.Run(() =>
throw new NotImplementedException(); //simulating an error condition
using (var s = _documentStore.OpenSession())
catch (Exception ex)
Got this answer from Atif Aziz (ELMAH Lead contributor) on the ELMAH google group:
When you use Task.Run, the HttpContext is not transferred to the thread pool thread on which your action will execute. When ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext is called from within your action, my guess is that it's probably failing with another exception because there is no current context. That exception is lying with the Task. If you're on .NET 4, you're lucky because you'll see the ASP.NET app crash eventually (but possibly much after the fact) when the GC will kick in and collect the Task and its exception will go “unobserved”. If you're on .NET 4.5, the policy has been changed and the exception will simply get lost. Either way, your observation will be that mailing is not working. In fact, logging won't work either unless you use Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(ex)), where a null context is allowed. But that call only logs the error but does not do any mailing. ELMAH's modules are connected to the ASP.NET context. If you detach from that context by forking to another thread, then you cannot rely on ELMAH's modules. You can only use Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(ex)) reliably to log an error.

Elmah log entry does not include Server Variables

I Log my errors in Elmah using ErrorLog.GetDefault because I want to use the ErrorId. However when I do this the Server Variables are not included in the log entry. Could anyone explain why and if possible, how to fix this?
public void LogExceptionToElmah(Exception exception)
//Includes Server Variables
//Does not include Server Variables
var elmahId = Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(exception));
I was able to solve this by including HttpContext.Current into the Elmah Error.
var elmahId = ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(exception, HttpContext.Current));
I still wonder why the ErrorLog.GetDefault requires a HttpContext as it doesn't seem to do anything with it.

Castle MonoRail & ELMAH

Is anyone using Castle MonoRail and ELMAH with success?
We are using a number of Resuces to present users with friendly error messages, but if we do this the exceptions never get as far as ELMAH as the MonoRail rescue intercepts them.
Ideally we want the user to see the rescue, but for the exception to be logged in ELMAH.
Any ideas/pointers?
After looking at the links Macka posted, I wrote this simple monorail exception handler:
public class ElmahExceptionHandler : AbstractExceptionHandler {
public override void Process(IRailsEngineContext context) {
Then I registered it in web.config, monorail section:
<extension type="Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Extensions.ExceptionChaining.ExceptionChainingExtension, Castle.MonoRail.Framework"/>
<exceptionHandler type="MyNamespace.ElmahExceptionHandler, MyAssembly"/>
And that's it.
After also posting on Google Groups it looks like Atif may have pointed me in the right direction.
You might want to look into error
signaling in ELMAH. It is designed for
scenarios where you want to pass an
exception through ELMAH's pipeline
even if it is being handled/swallowed.
Here are some pointers to get started
with error signaling: