Elmah log entry does not include Server Variables - elmah

I Log my errors in Elmah using ErrorLog.GetDefault because I want to use the ErrorId. However when I do this the Server Variables are not included in the log entry. Could anyone explain why and if possible, how to fix this?
public void LogExceptionToElmah(Exception exception)
//Includes Server Variables
//Does not include Server Variables
var elmahId = Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(exception));

I was able to solve this by including HttpContext.Current into the Elmah Error.
var elmahId = ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(exception, HttpContext.Current));
I still wonder why the ErrorLog.GetDefault requires a HttpContext as it doesn't seem to do anything with it.


Using a HTTP Module on a Virtual Directory in IIS

I have a default website in my IIS where I have created one virtual directory "wsdls".
I would want to gather statistics on how many requests are triggered to my virtual directory. This would need a request interception at web server level and gather statistics. "HTTPModule" was one of the many solutions I have considered which is suitable for such scenario. Hence I have started building one.
For testing purpose, I wanted to create a HTTP Module and apply it on a particular extension files (say *.wsdl) and on every GET request of any .wsdl files in this virtual directory, I will want to redirect the application to "www.google.com". This would demonstrate a good example of how HTTP Module can be used and deployed on IIS.
HTTPModule which is written using Visual Studio is shown below,
namespace Handler.App_Code
public class HelloWorldModule : IHttpModule
public HelloWorldModule(){
public String ModuleName{
get { return "HelloWorldModule"; }
// In the Init function, register for HttpApplication
// events by adding your handlers.
public void Init(HttpApplication application){
application.BeginRequest +=
(new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest));
application.EndRequest +=
(new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest));
private void Application_BeginRequest(Object source,
EventArgs e)
// Create HttpApplication and HttpContext objects to access
// request and response properties.
HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source;
HttpContext context = application.Context;
private void Application_EndRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
//Nothing to be done here
public void Dispose() { }
Now I have done a build of this project for x64 version and I am able to browser successfully the "dll" file. Now I have to register this dll in IIS and whenever I try to access the *.wsdl files, the requests automatically divert to "www.google.com". Here is the next step I have done,
Then I have enabled the Handler mappings as shown below,
I am assuming that is it!! Nothing more to be done. I should be able to intercept the requests for all HTTP requests which are of the form "*.wsdl". This means whenever I access any wsdl from the server, control should be going back to google(Because of the logic written in begin request ). But unfortunately, I failed in achieving it. What can be done here?
One thing I noticed is that when you are trying to redirect to an external URL use
So change
context.Response.Redirect("http://www.google.com", true);
I could solve the problem what I am facing and below are the observations which were missing in my understanding and which helped me in solving my problem:
Locating proper web.config file :
Every website in IIS will be having a web.config file to have control over the application.
Since I am working with "Default Website", this refers to the directory "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot"
There will be a "web.config" file which would be present in this director. Please create it if not already present.
Modifying web.config :
Once you have identified the file which needs to be modified, just add necessary module configuration to web.config
In this case, we would want to add a Module to the default website, the probably setting would be shown below,
Adding contents to bin directory :
Now if you try to run the application, the IIS would not find any dll or executable to run and hence we would need to keep the executables at a particular location.
Create a director if not already present with the name "bin" at the root of the directory and place all the dlls which you would want this website to execute. Sample shown below,
General Points to be considered:
Proper access must be given for the folder which consists of dll.
It is ideally not suggested to modify the entire website. It would be ideal if one works only on their web application.
If web.config is not found, we can create one.
If bin is not present in the web root directory, we can create one.

Elmah is not logging NullReference exception

Good afternoon,
in my project is installed elmah framework to logging exceptions. On the localhost it works fine, but when I deploy it to production it stops logging null reference exceptions. All others exceptions are logged (or I didn't find out next which is not logged).
I have set logging into SqlServer.
I can't find out what is wrong, can someone give me advice please? (How I said it loggs all exceptions what I fired but only this one is never caught)
Thank you
Well, Thomas Ardal answered right.
Problem was in the FilterConfig.cs file. Because in default settings it didn't want log any 500 errors, dangerous requests, null reference exceptions etc, i have added this lines:
public class ElmahHandleErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if(filterContext.Exception is HttpRequestValidationException)
ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(filterContext.Exception));
and added this line to the RegisterGlobalFilters method on the first place.
filters.Add(new ElmahHandleErrorAttribute());
After that it started log some exceptions but not all. Solution is that I remove if condition and catch everything. So if anyone will have similar problem, be sure, that problem will be somewhere in filters...

c# app connectivity issue

I am new to C# and would be really grateful if someone could provide some insight on the following problem: I have written a c# app that gets the html content of a website, quite simply using a webclient. The problem is that if I run it for multiple websites I see that sometimes I get no results for some of them, like it was never connected to that website at that instance. I initially thought it was my internet connection but the same happened when I tried on a different wifi. It is worth mentioning that I have the same prob on another of my appcs when trying to connect to a webservice. My question is: does anybody know how can this be fixed? Does it have to do with the timeout time of something like that?
Thank you very much in advance
This is the code but it's not really an issue of coding:
var client = new WebClient();
var htmlcode = client.DownloadString(site);
int NumberOfTrues = Regex.Matches(htmlcode.ToLower(), key).Count;
catch (Exception)
messagebox.show("could not be loaded");
This was solved by defining the default proxy server in app config.

Django 404 dilemma

I have a bug in my 404 setup. I know that because, when I try to reach some page which doesn't exist, I get my server error template. But that templates is useless because it doesn't give me any debug info. In order to get django's debug page, I need to set DEBUG=True in settings file. But if I do that, bug doesn't appear because django doesn't try to access my buggy 404 setup. So what do you guys think? This is in my root urls file:
handler404 = 'portal.blog.views.handlenotfound' And this is in portal.blog.views.handlenotfound:
def handlenotfound(request):
global common_data
datas = {
'tags' : Tag.objects.all(),
'date_list' : Post.objects.filter(yayinlandi=True).dates("pub_date","year")
return render_to_response("404.html",datas)
I guess I also need to return a HttpResponseNotFound right?
If I had to debug this kind of errors, I would either
temporarily turn the handler into a simple view served by a custom url, so that django's internal mechanisms don't get into the way, or
(temporarily) wrap the handler code in a try..except block to log any error you may have missed
Anyway, are you sure your handler doesn't get called if DEBUG=true?
data.update(common_data) should be datas.update(common_data).
(Incidentally, data is already plural: the singular is datum.)

How to enable and disable ELMAH in web.config and in code behind?

I am using ELMAH for error reporting in my ASP.NET projects. Everything is working great, except when I debug a project I don't want to send an email report to the allowed users.
How can I accomplish this feat?
Assuming you have different web.config files for your development and production environments, just disable Elmah in your development web.config. You'll want to comment out (or remove) the Elmah.ErrorLogModule element in the httpModules section.
Maybe you can use ErrorFiltering to turn off the email logging in the Global.asax. Something like:
void ErrorMail_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs e)
Another way is to use the ErrorMail_Mailing method. When ELMAH sends the email, it runs this first (when present in global.asax.cs)
public void ErrorMail_Mailing(object sender, ErrorMailEventArgs e)
e.Mail.Subject = "Error in Development";
The example above can be via the the transformations in web.Debug.config & web.Release.config. But there is a lot more you can do in this method. See http://scottonwriting.net/sowblog/archive/2011/01/06/customizing-elmah-s-error-emails.aspx